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पाठ-४ सिभिल1

पाठ-४ सिभिल-
Subject Civil : workshop
Metal work -workshop
·          Iron rod of round shape
·          Bench vice
·          File
·          Drill machine
·          Tap
·          Try square
·          Hammer and center pitch
PROCEDURE (theory):
 To make nut which exactly fit in the given volt, we first took a iron rod and marked it at 1cm measuring it by1m square and often than we cut it with the help of file. After cutting we got a piece of iron which we finished by holding it in bench vice and the help of file.  In this way we got a iron with rough, surface. so we smooth it and re sizing clear. now we make hole ,to drill 8 no drill bit. we it prepare size first we mark it. hammering on center punch at the preior nut.after, we start finishing of this work shape in six side. then it make hexagonal piece of ironwhich have a hole of its center.
But it was not complete exactly as a not to give it a gripping we used tape to therad it intialy making it round pushing it into the hexagonal peace of iron. at the we get a nut of hexagonal shape which fit in given bolt.
Fig ..
1.        Chose exact piece of iron,to drill handle and care machine.
2.        When perfect finishing shape shape other .
3.        Do work carefully,slowely and ligeally.
4.        Use safety tools,dress, glove etc.
we able to make hexagonal shape 8 mm thick bolt,fitting nut
·          Metal plate 10mm x 4mmx1mm size,flat shape 2 piece
·          Bench vice
·          File
·          welding machine.electrode,safty tools complete.
·          Tap
·          Try square
·          Hammer and center pitch
PROCEDURE (theory):
To complte welding,prepare above materials and tools. Collect Metal plate 10mm x 4mmx1mm size,flat shape 2 piece and resize them with Bench vice fixing and File it. Measure with Tap,correct Try square and final to work.
Now reday to welding machine. safty google,glove other tools complete. Supply voltage and care with handle electrode safely,touch two arrange metal piece Hammer and center pitch edge properly,smoothly handle work and complete joining both side.finilize with hammering and filling to finishing.
Fig ..
1.        Chose exact piece of iron,to welding machine handle and care.
2.        When perfect finishing shape.
3.        Do work carefully,slowely and ligeally.
4.        Use safety tools,dress, glove etc.
we able to make two piece of metal welding.
·          Metal plate 25 cm dia.10mm size, 2 piece
·          Bench vice
·          File
·          welding machine.electrode,safty tools complete.
·          Tap
·          Try square
·          Hammer and center pitch
PROCEDURE (theory):
To complte welding,prepare above materials and tools. Collect rod 10mm dia. size,flat shape 2 piece and resize them with Bench vice fixing and File it. Measure with Tap,correct Try square and final to work.

Now reday to welding machine. safty google,glove other tools complete. Supply voltage and care with handle electrode safely,touch two arrange metal piece Hammer and center pitch edge properly,smoothly handle work and complete joining both side.finilize with hammering and filling to finishing.
Fig ..
1.        Chose exact piece of iron,to welding machine handle and care.
2.        When perfect finishing shape.
3.        Do work carefully,slowely and ligeally.
4.        Use safety tools,dress, glove etc.
we able to make two piece of metal rod welding.
 Appartus required
A:granding machine
B:welding machine
D:bench vice
E:water bucket
Theory=it is a fabrication or sculptural process that joins materials usually metal
Or thermoplastic by casing fusion which is distiment from lower telnpefrature metal joining
Technique from such as brazing and soldering which doesnot melt the base metals.
Then only take a any joint.
Procedure=To cut a metal rod about 5 cm after that  the small piece of rod having rough
In cutting. Then we take rod to make both to make smooth in cutting place. After that
 we make both rod smooth in both side. With the help of file and bench vice. Then we
want to the welding place. Then we take one rod down another up making like English
alphabets t. then first we
 4.Title  :  TO PREPARE BOX OF TIN SIZE 300 *300 SHEET
Object : perforating metal work
1.        Iron scissor
2.        Scale
3.        Iron bolt(12)
4.        Hammer
5.        Driller machine etc
1.Gai sheet
2.Iron bolt
We going to making box for keeping brush pen nail etc. we are processing serially this step first we take a C.G.I sheet and cut around 300 * 300 mm dimension. This piece was found center co of this cutting piece. We the square of dimension. This piece was found center co of this cutting piece. We
Marked the square of dimension 6cm*6cm onto the center of c.g.i sheet and fold given size.
 Handle and care : use carefully metal sheet ,rebating. punching and electrical goods
 Result : complete final work for square, rectangular c.g.i sheet
Computer /civil/ wood work
TITLE :  Preparation of cross joint making 90 0 angle between two pieces of stick.
Two piece of stick.
i.                     T shape scale .
ii.                    Wood planner
iii.                  Measuring tape
iv.                  Chisel
v.                    Wood maker
vi.                  Hackshaw
i.                     First of all we were collected all the required tools and material and put them at the proper place such that we can use tools easier.
ii.                    We hold taken the stick  and fixed it on the bench such that stick cannot move while we use wood plannar to make the stick hugh.
iii.                  After that we correctly measured and marked with pencil to cut and make cross joint.
iv.                  At first one stick was cut by t/2 depth and t length for suitable purpose.
v.                    Then the second stick was made with the share of 1st stick and joint both.
Result: Hence at last we had constructed the cross joint making 90 angle between two pieces of stick.
OBJECT: PREPARATION OF dove taial joint of two fixed shaped sticks
REQUIRED MATERIALS :Two piece of wood.
1.        planner .
2.        Measuring Tape
3.        Wood T-shape scale
4.        Wood maker
5.        Hacksaw     
PROCEDURE :   collect required wood.shape and resize.measure their own scale,required dove tail.then all wood resize dove tail and fixed to measurement size with joining.fixed it 2/3 mouth top,h==d/3  base tail and d be the main base of dove in u size.
At last we had constructed the dove tail joint of two fixed shaped wood.      
`                                                               End

OBJECT: PREPARATION OF Prepration of (required materials) to make a tool table (wood)
REQUIRED MATERIALS : 2"x2"x3'eight piece of wood.2'x4'sq ft plywood
1.        planner .
2.        Measuring Tape
3.        Wood T-shape scale
4.        Wood maker
5.        Hacksaw     
PROCEDURE :   collect required wood.shape and resize.measure their own scale,required dove tail.then all wood resize table and fixed to measurement size with joining.fixed it 2"x2"x2' size 2 piece length table, 2"x2"x4' size 2 piece beadth table base and 2"x2"x3' size 4 piece heigth table in size.give in top 2'1"x4'1" plywood cover head of table.
At last we had constructed the table joint of two fixed shaped wood.      
Lab 4
OBJECT: PREPARATION OF Prepration of other tool make box(wood)
REQUIRED MATERIALS : 2"x2"x3'eight piece of wood.2'x4'sq ft plywood
1.        planner .
2.        Measuring Tape
3.        Wood T-shape scale
4.        Wood maker
5.        Hacksaw     
PROCEDURE :   collect required wood.shape and resize.measure their own scale,required dove tail.then all wood resize table and fixed to measurement size with joining.fixed it 2"x2"x2' size 2 piece length table, 2"x2"x4' size 2 piece beadth table base and 2"x2"x3' size 4 piece heigth with cover plywood 4 size then make an 2'x4' box in is in reactangular in shape
At last we had constructed the box joint of two fixed shaped wood.      
Civil practical
Name of experiment
Date of performed
Submission date
Prepration of plumbing materials,in workshop management

Prepration of towo plate joint through gas welding

Prepration of straight bond,y joint in polythine pipe

Materials need:
Cross tee
Cross over
Reducer elbow
Reducer tee
Peducer socket
Check nut
Gate valve
Read symbol:-

Block Diagram of welding machine set.
Welding is process of joining similar metals by application of with or without application of pressure and adding of Filler material. The result is a coutinulty of homogenous material  of the composition nad characteristics of two parts which are being joined together. 
Gas welding /machine set :
Wgas welding is a process joining which are joined together by burning a combusative gas with air or oxygen in concentvated flame of high temerature. As with other welding methods.the purpose of the flame is to hoot and well the parent metal and filter rod of a joint.this process is particularly suitable for joining metal sheets and plate having thickness of 2 to 50 mm.
Type of gas welding flame-
Three type
Neutral flame
Oxidizing flame
Carbonising flame
Name of experiment
Date of performed
Submission date
Prepration of wall,materials with English,flemeshing…bond

Prepration of house earthwork

Rod work,earthquake protection and construction

1.Construct one brick thick return wall (90 0  bend)layers 6 brick and length 4 brick and 6 brick (English bond)
Start all work,we have collect all the required materials and tools then material like trawl,pointing trawl. Corner block, tape wall club hammer, spill lever line, bat gause.

First of all we have collect all the required materials and tools then we clean out the tools after sometime we will measure the place to construct the wall and then collect requied things like sand,brick cement.then mixed out water and sand cement wasout brick then constructed the wall  serially.then then the wall is constricted.
We are able to construct one brick return wall (90 band)
2.Construct one brick straight wall in english  bend layers 5 brick and length  brick height (English bond)
trawl,pointing trawl. Corner block, tape wall club hammer, spill lever line, bat gause.
  First of all we have collect all the required materials and tools then we clean out the tools after sometime we will measure the place to construct the wall and then collect requied things like sand,brick cement.then mixed out water and sand cement wasout brick then constructed the wall  serially.then then the wall is constricted.
We are able to construct one brick straight wall in English bond 5 brick along 6 brick height.
3. Construct & cavity wall consist of two wall with 5 cm to 8 cm cavity them
Start all work,we have collect all the required materials and tools then material like trawl,pointing trawl. Corner block, tape wall club hammer, spill lever line, bat gause.
  First of all we have collect all the required materials and tools then we clean out the tools after sometime we will measure the place to construct the wall and then collect requied things like sand,brick cement.then mixed out water and sand cement wasout brick then constructed the wall  flemeshing bond .
1.        sound insulation.
2.        Heat insulation
3.        economy
stability :
these are provided 90 cm apart horizontally and 30 cm apart horizontally and 30 cm to 45 cm apart vertically.
It is the process in which joint between brick or stone masonery raised about 13 cm or filling with motor slightly richer mixer.
Type of pointing:
1.        flush pointing
2.        cut/weather/stuck pointing
3.        graved pointing
4.        keyed pointing
5.        bedded pointing
6.        tuck pointing
We are able to construct one brick return wall (90 band)

e'sDk ;+/IffTds ejg lgdf{0f ;DaGwL
;Lk ljsf;—sflnu9 tflnd
Soil and Foundation
Ø  df6f] r§fg 6'lqmP/ ag]sf ;;fgf 6'qmfx?sf] ylk|P/ ag]sf] xf] . lgdf{0fsf] lx;fan] x]g]{ xf] eg] xfdLn] agfPsf] ;a} 3/sf] jfn hu d'lg /x]sf] df6f]n] g} wfGg' kg]{ x'G5 .

df6f]sf] k|sf/
          ;fwf/0ftof tf}n wfGg ;Sg] lx;fan]
df6f]sf] k|sf/x?nfO{ o;/L ;Dem\g ;ls5 .

df6f]sf] k|sf/
tf}n wfGg ;Sg] Ifdtf
1_ s8f r§fg (Rock)
;a}eGbf /fd|f]
2_ afnDjf / lu§L (Sand)
w]/} /fd|f]
3_ s8fdl;gf] df6f]
8=_ g/d dl;gf] df6f]
5_ w]/} s'lxPsf] af]6 la?jf dn ldl;Psf] df6f]
clt sdhf]/

Ø  3/sf] ;a} eGbf tnsf] efunfO{ hu elgG5 . hun] 3/sf] tf}nnfO{ df6f]df af8\g] sfd u5{ .
Ø  ;fwf/0ftof hlt w]/} df6f]df tf}n af+8g ;s] Toltg} w]/} tf}n y]Ug ;Sg] Ifdtf a[l4 x'g] x'+bf hlt 7"nf] / ulx/f] hu /fVg ;Sof] Tolt 3/ alnof] x'g ;S5 .

huM husf k|sf/x?  (Types of Foundation)

-s_       sd ulx/f] hu (Shallow Foundation)
-!_          nf]8 wfGg] kvf{nsf] hu (Wall Footing, Strip Footing)
-@_         xflQ kfOn] (Isoloated Footing)
#_          xflQkfOn] ;+u hud} lad ePsf] (Strap Footing)
$_          ;+o'Qm hu (Combined Footing)
%_          Pp6} hu (Mat)
 -v_        ulx/f] hu (Deep Foujndation)

nf]8 wfGg] kvf{nsf] hu (Wall Footing, Strip Footing)

Ø  of] hu uf/f]sf] nDafO{ e/L lgdf{0f ul/G5 .
Ø  o;n] r§fg, jfn'jf, lu§L / s8f df6f]df a9L /fd|f] sfd ub{5 .
Ø  of] kvf{nn] nf]8 wfGg] tl/sfsf] lgdf{0f ul/g] ejg (load bearing wall Buiding) sf] nflu agfO{G5 .
b'O{ tnf ;Ddsf] nflu
-/fd|f] df6f]df_
  tnsf] s+lqm6sf] rf8fO -slDtdf_ = 2 X  uf/f]sf] df]6fO{ + 1’-0”
  tnsf] s+lqm6sf] df]6fO{ -slDtfdf_ = 5/6 X uf/f]sf] df]6fO{
  husf] ulx/fO{ slDtdf -hldg b]lv s+lqm6sf] dfly ;Dd_ = 2 X uf/f]sf] df]6fO{
  t/ df6f] g/d dl;gf] vfnsf] ePdf husf] rf}8fO{ 5 lkm6 / ulx/fO{ 5 lkm6 ;Dd agfpg' /fd|f] x'G5 .
xflQ kfOn] (Isolated Footing)
Ø  of] lkNn/ jfnf 3/df agfOg] hu xf] .
Ø  of] lkNn/sf] d'lg dfq agfO{G5 .

tLg tNnf ;Ddsf] 3/sf nflu M -slDtfdf_
df6f]sf] k|sf/
rf}8fO{ -lkm6_
ulx/fO{ -lkm^_
afnDjf / lu§L
g/d df6f]

xflQkfOn] ;+u hud} lad ePsf] (Strap Footing):
·          xflQ kfOn]x?nfO{ hus} ;txdf 1’-0” x 1’-0” cfsf/sf] ladn] af+w]/ 3/sf] husf] Ifdtf a9fpg ;lsG5 .

k'/f hu foundation
;+o'Qm hu
(Combined Footing)
  b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L lkNn/nfO{ Pp6} hu agfpg].
Pp^} hu (Mat)
  ;a} lkNn/nfO{ Pp6} hu pknJw u/fpg] . of] cUnf 3/x? / sdhf]/ df6f]df agfOG5 .
Parameters and criteria
for foundation design
       Codes, Practices and Standards(IS: 1904–1966, Ramiah and Chickanagappa, 1981; Bowles, 1996)Presumptive Bearing Capacity
       Cohesion less soils: Typical values of safe bearing capacity (t/m2)
1. Gravel, sand and gravel, compact and offering high resistance  penetration when excavated by tools                         45(t/m2 )
2. Coarse sand, compact and dry                                     45(t/m2 )
3. Medium sand, compact and dry                                   25(t/m2 )
4. Fine sand, silt (dry lumps easily pulverized by the fingers)  15(t/m2 )
5. Loose gravel or sand gravel mixture; loose coarse to medium sand and dry                                                                                       25(t/m2 )
6. Fine sand, loose and dry                                                          10 (t/m2 )
       Cohesive soils
       Soft shale, hard or stiff clay in deep bed, dry   45(t/m2)
2. Medium clay readily indented with a thumb nail 25(t/m2)
3. Moist clay and sand clay mixture which can be indented with strong thumb pressure                15(t/m2)
4. Soft clay indented with moderate thumb pressure 10(t/m2)
5. Very soft clay which can be penetrated several inches with the thumb   5(t/m2)
6. Black cotton soil or other shrinkage or expansive clay in dry condition (50% saturation)               15(t/m2)
   soft:    45 t/m2
   Hard:  330 t/m2
Settlements and Differential Settlements
Settlement and differential settlement
as per Indian Standards.
Criterion                                     Permissible settlement (cm)
       Angular distortion: office buildings, flats and factories Differential settlement (as a ratio) should not exceed   
       Maximum differential settlement:
               Clays                                                      4.0
               Sands                                                    2.5
       Maximum total settlement:
                 Isolated footings on clay                   6.5
                 Isolated footings on sand                 4.0
                Raft foundations on clay                   6.5–10.0
                Raft foundation on sand                   4–6.5

Differential settlement due to non homogeneous soils
Effect due to improper foundation
  Insufficient size and depth
Ø        Sliding
Ø        Overturning
Ø        Bearing Failure
Ø        excess settlement
Insufficient thickness of foundation slab:
       Structural failure: shear failure
some technique
       For soft soil layers:
Foundation on sloping ground
Foundation on sloping ground

Foundation at Different Levels
Foundation on granular soils
Foundation on granular soils
Foundation on clayey soils
Foundation on clayey soils
Foundation near Existing Building
       The minimum horizontal distance between existing and new footings shall be at least equal to the width of the wider footing.
       In important cases, analysis of bearing capacity and settlement shall be carried out.
Deep foundation:
       Essential for liquefaction prone area
       High rise buildings

Use full kits for lab a. electronics
Name of experiment
Function generator me 165
Power measurement kit using wattmeter ac/dc
Verification of KCL KVL me 561
Ohms law apparatus
Resistance in series parallel apparatus
LCR resonance apparatus
RMS/peak/average & power factor training kit
RC RL circuit training kit
Rlc series parallel network circuit kit
Linear system simulator Fourier kit

Active filter with power supply
Passive Filter constant Law high and band m -derived Law and high (ltd)
Wheat stone bridge (ETB)- 241
Measurement of Indications -
Capacitance by Maxwell
Measurement of Capacitance by Wien ETB-136
SCR single phase half-wave full -wave  fully controlled bridge rectifier converter
Logic Tanning board OR NOT NAND   (Ltb-33)
Study of various types file flop LTB
Morgan chopper (mE808)
Light intensity control using SCR & TRIAC (ME-791)
Switching action of a transistor (ME -625)
PID position servo Machines trainer (ME-11o7)
DC position servo mechanics trainer (ME-1107)
PLC trainer demonstration unit me 1125
supply me 130CH1: 0-6VCD\100MP-2amp CH2:0-32 VCD\100 MA 2amp 0-=15 VCD\100ma-1 amp
cro 20mhz, dual channel 2 trace (ME-3020)
1\2 Digital multi-meter(Manual Range)
Analog multimeter
Solding iron Solding wire Solding flux Solding pump
logic gates using six itatlices (6in 1)
RTL logic gates (sin)me 678
Basic logic using discrete components(7in 1)me 679
Application of ic555 me 650
Haif wave fullwave &bridge Rectifer apparatus me 577D
4 bit counters synchronous me -712

format ,cube test:-
Material Testing Laboratory
Lamachaur, pokhara


The Engineer/Chief

Subject: Compressive Strength Test Results

Dear Sir / Madam,

The concrete cubes have been tested as per your requested letter of dated ……………… the result of which are as follows:

Compressive Strength of Concrete Cubes

Grade of Concrete      :                                            Cement used      :

Design Mix                 :                                            Cube Dimension:

Size of aggregate used:                                            Admixture used :

Age of concrete          :                                            Surface Area      :
Cube No.
Weight of sample (kg)
Breaking Load (kN)
Compressive Strength (N/mm2)
Average Compressive Strength (N/mm2)
Normal Range



Result: The average compressive strength of concrete cube = …………………N/mm2

Er. Prakash Bdr. Adhikari
(Laboratory  Incharge & Lecturer)

(Department of Civil Engineering)


Institute of Engineering
Material Testing Laboratory
Western Region Campus
Lamachaur, Pokhara
                                                 Date: 27th March 2012

Pokhara Sub-Metropolis
New Road, Pokhara


Dear Sir/Madam,

The geotechnical exploration for the construction of basement floor with area 3021.05 sq.ft belonging to Mr. Prakash Baral located at New Road, Pokhara has been done on the basis of site visit and simple laboratory test on disturbed sample at a depth of 5’0” of proposed site. The results are given as under.  For better result field tests like SPT, DCPT, SCPT etc. are strongly recommended.

Mr. Prakash Bdr. Adhikari
(Laboratory Incharge)
(Geo-technical Engineer)



1.1 General

Client’s Name: Mr. Prakash Baral
Location: Pokhara Metropolis, Ward No. 8, New Road, Pokhara.
Plot No: 2490249, 32495
Land Area: 0-9-1-3

A Geo-technical exploration was done on the proposed site located at Pokhara Metropolis Ward No. 8, New Road Pokhara to investigate ane analyse about the suitability for a 3 storey residential building with a basement floor. The details of 3 storey building are as follows:

Basement Area = 3021.05 Sq.ft.
Ground Floor Area = 3021.05 Sq.ft.
First Floor Area = 3021.05 Sq.ft.
Second Floor Area = 2629.125 Sq.ft.


I.                    Reconnaissance survey of proposes site.
II.                  Test pit up to the foundation depth to know the soil profile and to collect the disturbed sample for  laboratory test. Following lab tests were carried out:
·         Natural moisture content
·         Sieve analysis
·         Atterberg’s Limit
·         Specific Gravity
·         Unit Weight
·         Direct shear Test
III.               Use of standard codes and co-relations charts to find constant parameters.
IV. Computation of Safe Bearing Capacity of foundation soil.
V.  Computation of permissible settlement.
     VI.  Determination of Ground Water Table (GWT).
     VII. Study of geological hazards like excess settlement and shear failure, slope failure etc, if any.


Geology of Site

As the Pokhara valley represents an intermontane fluvial basin spread around the midstream of the Seti river in theLesser Himalaya of Nepal, It is filled by large volume of layered clastic deposits _gravel, silt and clay of Quaternary age, brought from the Annapurna mountain range probably by a series of catastrophic debris flows.

Type of Foundation Soil

a. Alluvial deposit, coarse grained soil, Sandy gravel with silt, red to grey in color with presence of rock  cobbles and conglomerate distributed randomly in the proposed area.
b. The soil (cultivated previously) is soft clay up a thickness of 0.4m.
c. Soil is found as Normally Consolidated.
d. The top soil is followed by a mixture of sany gravel and silt with presence of cobbles, boulder and conglomerate rock (mechanically formed sedimentary rock composed of coarse assorted long transported waterworn smooth rounded pebbles of rocks and mineral cemented together) of reddish brown.
e. No seepage and Ground Water Table (GWT) were observed on the site at the depth of basement foundation of proposed residential building but the critical condition was considered while computing bearing capacity.
f. No evidence were found of ground subsidence, collapse and no any slope failures were observed on the site.
g. The proposed building site is gentle and flat.


When a fine or medium fine, saturated, loose sand deposit is subjected to a sudden shock (generated by an earthquake) the mass will temporarily liquefy. This phenomenon is termed Liquefaction. When liquefaction takes place in a particular soil, or whole of the bearing capacity of the soil disappears and the structure built on it tilts or even sinks.

The past big big earthquakes that in nigata Nigata (1964), Mino-Owari (1891), Tonankai (1944), Fukui (1948), Jaltipan (1959), and Alaska (1964), have shown that saturated sandy soils in a loose to medium dense condition were liquified during earthquakes varying in magnitude from 5.5 to 8.5 (Richter scale) and epicentral distance from several miles to hundread of miles.

From the case studies on soils of these areas, it has come to the knowledge that liquefaction potential characteristics of the soil are:

1). The soil contains less than 10 percent fines.
2). D60 is 5mm
3). Cu (D60/D10) is 0.622


D60         = 60 percent of the soil grains smaller than corresponding abscissa value in the grain size distribution curve;
D10       = 10 percent of the soil grains smaller than corresponding abscissa value in the grain size distribution curve;
Cu =     Coefficient of uniformity = D60/ D10  

The characteristics parameters for predicting potentiality of the soil at the site of concern should be derived from the field test and laboratory test results. While comparing the predicted soil properties with the liquefaction potential characteristics values shown above, the soil properties indicate that the chance of liquefaction was intermediate.


For the soil type, from standard IS code, recommended parameters are as follows:
Angle of repose (φ)        = 34o to 36o (i.e. 34o)
Cohesion (c)                   = negligible
Factor of safety (F)        = 1.7 to 2.5 (here 2.5)
Unit Weight (γ)               = 18.2 kN/m3 and 18.66 kN/m3
Specific Gravity (Gs)    = 2.56 and 2.32
Depth of Basement Foundation = 1.524m
Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity Factors for φ = 34o
Nc = 52.6,  Nq = 36.5, Nγ = 35
SBC (qs) = [0.5γB NγRw2 + γDNqRw1] / F
SBC (qs) = 420.0 kN/m2 (Safe Bearing Capacity)

Since the major soil type is coarse grained type, there is less possibility of the consolidation settlement. Immediate settlement may be expected to occur on the site which might not affect seriously. As per IS code, recommended permissible settlement for the available soil type in case of residential building is 40mm.
The recommended value of PGA as 0.3g as the building site lies on zone V of Earthquake zone in Nepal.


  • Construction of the proposed 3 storeyed residential building with a basement floor is feasible on the proposed site.
  • It is highly recommended to use above recommended design parameters only for structural design of the proposed building and basement.
  • The design of foundation, basement and structure are entirely the responsibility of the Structural Engineer. Thus, this report does not take any responsibility for the defects arises from structural design.
  • The structural designer is strongly remined to avoid the short column effect in the basement floor.
  • The existing ground requires to be cut minimum to a depth of 3.5m for the basement floor. A precaution must be taken in retaining the soil and foundation of adjacent building while excavating.
  • The above design parameters are fully based on the laboratory test results on disturbed sample and some standard values as per IS code only. Thus the results may not 100% represent the in-situ condition. So field tests like Standard Penetration Test (SPT), Dynamic Cone Penetration Test (DCPT) and Static Cone Penetration Test (SCPT) are strongly recommended for the better and more reliable results. 

Prakash Bdr. Adhikari
Geo-technical Engineer  
Date:27th March 2012



Material Testing Laboratory


Lamachaur, pokhara


Date: 2068-06-01


Ngyoi Tamu Dhin

C/o Pragati Engineering Consultancy

Open House Complex Building

Subject: Compressive Strength of Cement

Dear Sir / Madam,

The concrete cubes have been tested as per your requested letter of dated 2068-06-01, the results

of which are as follows:

Compressive Strength of Concrete Cubes

Grade of Concrete       : M20
                   Cement Used    : JAYPEE (Indian)

Design Mix                  : 1:1.5:3                    Cube Dimension: (150x150x150) mm3


Size of aggragate used  : 25mm down                    Admixture Used: Not Used

Age of Concrete Cubes: 7 days                    Surface Area     : (150x150) mm2

S.N. Cube No. Weight of Cube (kg) Breaking Load (KN) Compressive Strength (N/mm2) Average Compressive Strength (N/mm2) Normal Range

1 Sample-1 8.177 350.00 15.56 15.41 12 to 14 N/mm2

2 Sample-2 7.982 360.00 16.00

3 Sample-3 8.424 330.00 14.67

Result: Average Compressive Strength of Concrete Cube  = 15.41 N/mm2.

Quality: Good

Date: 2068-06-01


District Co-Operative Division Office

Nature of work : Slab
Bharatpur, Chitwan

casting : 2068/10/15
Requested by: Bhim joti Biswas Samtachana JV 
crossing : 2068/10/22

Subject: Compressive Strength of Cement

Dear Sir / Madam,

The concrete cubes have been tested as per your requested letter of dated 2068-06-01, the results
of which are as follows:

Compressive Strength of Concrete Cubes

Grade of Concrete       : M20
                   Cement Used    : JAYPEE (Indian)    Cement Used    : Jagadamba OPC

Design Mix                  : 1:1.5:3                    Cube Dimension: (150x150x150) mm3

Size of aggragate used  : 25mm down                    Admixture Used: Not Used

Age of Concrete Cubes: 7 days                    Surface Area     : (150x150) mm2

S.N. Cube No. Weight of Cube (kg) Breaking Load (KN) Compressive Strength (N/mm2) Average Compressive Strength (N/mm2) Normal Range
1 Sample-1 7.95 375.00 16.67 16.15 12 to 14 N/mm2
2 Sample-2 8.05 355.00 15.78
3 Sample-3 8 360.00 16.00

Result: Average Compressive Strength of Concrete Cube  = 15.41 N/mm2.
Quality: Good

Ramu Acharaya
Er. Shammy Karna Er Rajesh Koirala
Lab incharge
Co-ordinator Approved By

natural water content

Determination of Atterberg's Limit

(1) Liquid Limit (L.L.)



At Central Hole


Can No. wt. of empty can (kg) wt. of can + moist soil (kg) wt. of can + dry soil (kg) wt. of water (kg) wt. of soil solid (kg) water content (kg)  Nos. of Blow (N)


1 0.0119 0.0247 0.0215 0.0032 0.0096 33.33333 11

12.5 100.00

2 0.0113 0.0272 0.0238 0.0034 0.0125 27.2 13

10 100.00

3 0.0117 0.0357 0.0307 0.005 0.019 26.31579 15

6.3 100.00

At Corner Hole

4.75 95.00

4 0.0112 0.0311


2.36 84.00

5 0.0116 0.0377


1.18 73.00

6 0.0108 0.0327


0.600 69.00

0.425 67.00

0.300 65.00

0.150 62.00

0.075 49

0.048655 41

0.035296 34

0.027758 29

0.024147 21

0.01698 16

0.012006 5

Institute of Engineering
Material Testing Laboratory
Western Region Campus
Lamachaur, Pokhara


At Central Pit At Corner Pit Remarks
A Wt.of empty Pycnometer (kg)

0.6262 0.6262
B Wt. of pyc. + dry soil (kg) 

0.8162 0.8445
C Wt. of pyc. + dry soil + full water (kg) 

1.63 1.61
D Wt. Of pyc. + full water (kg)

1.5142 1.4856
E Wt. Of dry soil (kg) = (B -A)

0.19 0.2183
F Wt. Of soil solid (kg) = (D-A)-(C-B)

0.0742 0.0939
G Specific Gravity (Gs) = E/F 

2.56 2.32


Diameter of Mould (D) = 0.101m 

Height of Mould (H) = 0.147m

Volume of Mould (V) = (π x D2x H)/4 = 0.00117744 m3

At Central Pit At Corner Pit Remarks
A Wt. Of empty mould (kg)

0.015855 0.015855
B Wt. Of mould + saturated soil (kN)

0.037284 0.037821
C Wt. Of Saturated soil (kN) = (B-A)

0.021429 0.021966
D Volume of Mould

0.00117744 0.00117744
E Unit weight (γsat) in kN/m3= C/D

18.20 18.66

seiv graph

Project: Residential Building with Basement Floor

Location26/03/2012 New Road, Pokhara

Weight of sample taken : 2.5 kg

Sieve Size (mm) Wt. Of empty sieve (kg) wt. Of sieve + soil retained in each sieve (kg) wt. Of soil retained in each sieve (kg) % of soil retained in each sieve Cummulative % of soil retained in each sieve % finer
At Central Pit

10 1.3699 1.5467 0.1768 7.072 7.072 92.928
6.3 1.498 1.6325 0.1345 5.38 12.452 87.548
4.75 1.487 1.5953 0.1083 4.332 16.784 83.216
2 1.149 1.4261 0.2771 11.084 27.868 72.132
1 1.0778 1.3593 0.2815 11.26 39.128 60.872
0.425 1 1.4408 0.4408 17.632 56.76 43.24
0.3 0.964 1.2906 0.3266 13.064 69.824 30.176
0.15 1.0138 1.4979 0.4841 19.364 89.188 10.812
0.075 0.9921 1.0966 0.1045 4.18 93.368 6.632
Pan 0.7189 0.8843 0.1654 6.616 99.984 0.016

At Corner Pit

10 1.3699 1.56667 0.19677 7.8708 6.888 93.112
6.3 1.498 1.64507 0.14707 5.8828 12.7708 87.2292
4.75 1.487 1.58967 0.10267 4.1068 16.8776 83.1224
2 1.149 1.37907 0.23007 9.2028 26.0804 73.9196
1 1.0778 1.19357 0.11577 4.6308 30.7112 69.2888
0.425 1 1.17397 0.17397 6.9588 37.67 62.33
0.3 0.964 1.10187 0.13787 5.5148 43.1848 56.8152
0.15 1.0138 1.65677 0.64297 25.7188 68.9036 31.0964
0.075 0.9921 1.45947 0.46737 18.6948 87.5984 12.4016
Pan 0.7189 0.99987 0.28097 11.2388 98.8372 1.1628



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