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पाठ-७, कम्प्युटर

computer is an electronics device.
पाठ-७,अंगिरामृत,अगिरस गाेत्र,दुरदराजका भाइ बन्धुत्व समेटिएकाे छ,हजुर।यश बाट ल्बग पनि खुल्छ ।मेरा लेख पढ्नु हजुर कमेन्ट पनि लेखे हुन्छ।अन्यथा नलिनु हाेस,जीवन यहि सेवामा लगाए,अन्य र भिन्न हामी बन्धुत्वमा अटाउछाै।नमन:
कम्प्युटर- This part is presentation of class. NPI leacture Mr. Hari Bhakta Acharaya.
1. c programming
2. multipication
3. basic computer  (computer,tuition,unit 1-14)
4.c note
5. advance computer  (chapter1-21)

प्रयोगशाला -

Nepal Polytechnic institute
e/tk'/ lrtjg
Bharatpur Chitwan
k|of]ufTds Practical
Date:                                       class:                   experiment no: 1 one
Roll no:                                   shift or group:                                          
Subject:      logical expression in 8085 simulation
Object:       to study in 8085 simulation.
Apparatus need:
·        programme
·        computer
Since a microprocessor is basically a programmeable logic can perform all the logical through its instructions.
The instructionset of 8085 includes the logicfunctons such as-and or ex-od etc.
Op code                                            description
Ana                      logically and with accumulatior it is a one byte instruction.
Ani                       and immidrate with accumulatior it is two byte instruction.
Ora                      logically or with accumulator.this is a one byte instruction
Ori                       or immidate with accumulatior it is atwo byte instruction.
Xra                      logically exclusive or with accumulatior it is a one byte instruction.
Xrai                     or  immidate accumulatior it is …byte instruction.

Programme/Observation table:
V in
Mvi b 03h
Mvi c 05h
Mov a  b
And  c
A    b     c
01  03    05
Mvi b 03h
Mov a  b
Ani 054
A   b
01   03


here logical group of instruction are ana,ani,ora,ori,xra,xri are for used for logical operation in microproccer 8085.
·        we know input and output for 8085 micro chips,controller
·        we learnt to use logical operation in simulator in 8085.


Nepal Polytechnic institute
e/tk'/ lrtjg
Bharatpur Chitwan
k|of]ufTds Practical
Date:                                       class:                   experiment no: 2 two
Roll no:                                   shift or group:                                          
title: branching group instruction in 8085 simulation
Object:       to study in 8085 branching.
Apparatus need:
·        programme
·        computer
The branching instructiin allows the microprocessor change the sequence of programe either unconditionally or under creation test conditions.
The microprocessor is sequential machine .it executes machine codes from one memory location to the next,branching instruction are:-
Jump instruction .
Unconditional jump (jump)
Conditional jump(jnc,jcn,jz)
Call and return instructions
set of 8085 includes the logicfunctons such as-and or ex-od etc.
Op code                                            description
lxi                         …...
Lxi   d                  …….
inv                        ……
dcr                       ……
Xra                      ..
Xrai                     .. …byte instruction.
Programme/Observation table:
V in
LXI         H    2035H
LXI         D    3035H
MVI       B    64 H
INX       H
INX       D
DCR       B
IND       L
A    B     C       D   E     H       L
00  00    00     30  35   20    35
LXI         H    2035H
Mov         b    m
mvI         c    c035H
inx          h
mov   a   m
j2   l2
sub b
Inr       c
INXr      c
Im D           l2
Sta   3050 h
L2: sta 3050 h
Mov    a  c
Sta   3051 h
A    B     C       D   E     H       L
00  00    00     00  00   20      30

jump instruction are most powerful instruction.because it control microprocessor to go different.
·        we learnt jump instruction to use logical operation in simulator in 8085.

Nepal Polytechnic institute
e/tk'/ lrtjg
Bharatpur Chitwan
k|of]ufTds Practical
Date:                                       class:                   experiment no: 3 three
Roll no:                                   shift or group:                                          
Title:           data transfer and arithmetic logic unit group instruction.
Object:       to study in ALU.
Apparatus need:
·        programme
·        computer
In instruction is binary pttern designed inside a micro processor to perfrom a specific function.the entire group of instruction called to instruction set determines what function the microprocessor can perform the instructioncan be classified in following roups.they are:-
Data transfer group
Load resistor.
Load accumulator(direct)
Load  memory(immediate)
Load resistor pair(immmidate)
Load accumulator (in direct)
arithmetic group of instruction.
The instruction which perform arithmetic operation such as addition subtraction,increment,decrement etc
Add   8 bit
Sub    8 bit
Programme/Observation table:
V in
Largest number in array
LXI         H    4200H
Mov         b    m
INX       h
Mov       a     m
DCR       B
L1 : inx  h
Cmp    m
Jnc      l1
Mov     a     m
L2 dcx: dcx   b
Sta 4300   h  
A    B     C       H       L
       42    60     42     01

data transfer is used to transfer the logical for manupulting  the data the resistor load the data for the arithmetic logic unit.
·        we learnt to use arthemetic logical unit operation and set of instructuion.
Nepal Polytechnic institute
e/tk'/ lrtjg
Bharatpur Chitwan
k|of]ufTds Practical
Date:                                       class:                   experiment no: 1 one
Roll no:                                   shift or group:                                          
Subject:                                            object of experiment:
Title : Measurement of value of resistor by color code .
Object:       to study  and value of color in resistor.
Learn to use multimeter
Learn to calculate colour code
Apparatus need:
·        Carbon resistor
·        Multimeter
The resister value of some resistance are printed on the body of resistor. The color coding is the system of coding for indicating the value of the resistor.
The color band are always read form left to right from end that has the band closes t to it. The 1st and 2nd band represents the 1st and 2nd digit representing of the resistance value. The third band represent the multiplying factor and forth band represent the resistance valve within t/5% tolerance.
1st band
2nd band
3rd band(multiplying)

4th band
No color

10 0
10 1


·        Precise value of resistance and input voltage should be used for precise output,care it .find by color code
Result/Observation :-
Blue  grey   red     gold
6        8        10 2   ±5
= 6800±5%
= 6.8±5% ans
the resistor is a component which oppose the flow of current(electron).the stand and measuring unit of  resistor is ohm(Ω)
Conclusion :
Hence we have learnt to use of multimeter and learnt to find color of carbon resistor.
Nepal Polytechnic institute
e/tk'/ lrtjg
Bharatpur Chitwan
k|of]ufTds Practical
Date:                                       class:                   experiment no: 2 Two
Roll no:                                   shift or group:                                          
Subject:                                   object of experiment:
Title :          Half wave and full wave rectifier
Object:       to find the Half wave and full wave rectifier curve of current transformation.
Alternating of current from ac to dc.
Apparatus need:
·        oscilloscope
·        Multimeter
An electronic device(diode) that ac current into dc current is called rectifier.
1.half wave(center taped) rectifier: it is circuit wick connect the ac input power into a dc output power.
The input power supply may be either a single phase of a multiple phase supply with the simplest of all .the rectifier circuit being that of half wave rectifier

2.full wave(bridge full) rectifier it is a circuit which convert an ac voltage to pulsing dc voltage using both half cycle of the applied ac voltage it uses two diodes of which one conduct during one half cycle which the other conduct during the other  half cycle of other applied voltage.
Working principal :
During the positive half cycle of input as voltage and a become positive use to b this makes the diode to make bio as and hence diode can conduct current.
During the negative cycle of input voltage end a become negative with respect to b.tis nodes diode observation biased an diode can not conduct current to the direction of current flow through load is in same direction .hence dc output is obtained across the load.
The ripple voltage low and off higher frequency increase of full wave rectifier so simple filtering circuit is required.higer output voltage,power output higher transformation utilization factor(tuf) incase of a full wave rectifier.
Result/Observation :-
Input voltage
Input current
85 µa
160 µa
250 µa

35 µa
100 µa
175 µa
300 µa
Collector emitter

VI curve of Pn junction semiconductor
It is a curve between voltage across the junction and circuit current
I.                   forward bios: with forward bias the deduction ( i.e p type connected to positive terminal and n-type connected to negative terminal of supply the potential barrier is reduced. At some forward voltage (0.7forsilicon or 0.3 for germanium) the potential barriers is following in the circuit.
ii)            Reverse bias: with reverse bias to the PN junction ( ie p-type connected to -ve terminal and n-type connected to the +ve terminal potential barriers at the junction is increased .therefore the junction resistance become very high end practically no current flow through the circuit.
LET consider for previous table of observe by constant voltage at input constant voltage at input. as forward bias and reverse bias.
DISCUSSION: common-emitter amplifiers are also used in radio frequency circuit for example to amplify paint signal received by an antenna. In this case it is common to replace the load resistor with a tuned circuit.
CONCLISION: hence I've learnt to find the common emitter as constant input voltage and constant output voltage.
forward bios End
Nepal Polytechnic institute
e/tk'/ lrtjg
Bharatpur Chitwan
k|of]ufTds Practical
Date:                                       class:                   experiment no: 3 Three
Roll no:                                   shift or group:                                          
Subject:                                   object of experiment:
Title :          common emitter configuration(ce) and vi curve.
Object:       to find the common emitter configuration(ce) and vi curve.
.                  Alternating of current from ac to dc.
Apparatus need:
·        oscilloscope
·        Multimeter
An electronic device(transistor) consists of pn junction formed by sand switching either p –type or n-type semiconder. A pair of oppositive type transistor.
1.     Npn transistor : in common emitter,in this type of configuration the input is applied between base and emitter and output is taken from the collecter and emitter.hence emitter terminal is common to both input.te output circuit hence the name common emitter connection.
2.pnp transistor: in this type of configuration the input is applied p in and emitter and output is taken from the collecter output circuit hence the name common emitter connection
Working principal :
During the positivevhalf cycle of input as voltage and a become positive use to b.this makes the diode to make bioasand hence diode can conduct current.
During the negative cycle of input voltage end a become negative with respect to b.tis nodes diode observation biaosed an diode can not conduct current to the direction of current flow through load is in same direction.hence dc output is obtained across the load.
The ripple voltage low and off higher frequency increase of full wave rectifier so simple filtering circuit is required.higer output voltage,power output higher transformation utilization factor(tuf) incase of a full wave rectifier.
Result/Observation :-
Blue  grey   red     propagating wave from shown in ossicloscope
See voltage,power measuring .
Conclusion :
Hence we have learnt to use of dc and ac current in rectifier


Nepal Polytechnic institute
e/tk'/ lrtjg
Bharatpur Chitwan
k|of]ufTds Practical
Date:                                       class:                   experiment no:4 one
Roll no:                                   shift or group:                                          
Subject:                                            object of experiment:
Title : vi charastices of diode .
Object:       to study  vi charastices of diode.
Learn to use oscilloscope
Apparatus need:
·        diode
·        Multimeter
·        oscilloscope
A pn junction is known as a semiconductor known as a current in one direction .a pn diode ,deduction in one way conducting device offering low resistance.when forword biasing and having almost as insulation we reserved biased.
Vi charestics of pn junction diode;
It is a curve between voltage a cross te junction and circuit current.
i..Zero extended voltage :no current with flow through device.
ii. forward bioas; to the function (ie p type connected to positive terminals and n type connected to negative terminal of supply)the potential barrier is some forward voltage (0.7 v for silicion or 0.3 v for germanium) the potential barrier is altoghether eliminated and current starts following in the circuit.
Reverse bioas ;with the pn junction (ie p type connected to –ve terminal and n connected to +ve terminal) potential barriers at the function increased. The resistance of functionresistance become very hhigh and practically no current flow through the circuit.
When a p type semiconductor iS suitable joined to the n type semiconductor.the contact surface is called pn junction.
Conclusion :
Hence we have learnt to use reverse bioas and forward bioas using semiconductor bioas.
Nepal Polytechnic institute
e/tk'/ lrtjg
Bharatpur Chitwan
k|of]ufTds Practical
Date:                                       class:                   experiment no:5 five
Roll no:                                   shift or group:                                          
Subject:                                            object of experiment:
Title :  charastices of jfeet .
Object:       to study  vi charastices of jfeet.
Learn to use oscilloscope
Apparatus need:
·        jfeet
·        Multimeter
·        oscilloscope
fet  stands for field effect is three terminal unipolar so;id state device in which current is controlled by an electric field .there are
1.     junction field effects transistor (jfeet) :
jfeet  has three terminal carriers ie conduction is by one typevof carriers ie electrons or hole and current controlled by means of an electric field between the gate electrode and the conducting channel of device.s
2.     a jfeet  consist of p type silicion bar containing to pn junction.two pn junction at each  side.the bar froms the conducting channel for charge carriers. If the bar is of p type it is n channel jfeet.if the bar is p type it is called p channel jfeet.the two pn junction forming diodes are connected internally and a common terminal is called gate.the jfeet has three terminal is gate (g),service(s) and drain(d) .
observation: …..table
jfeet   is one of the simple type of field effect transistor. jfeet  are three terminal semiconductor devices that can be used as electronically-controlled switches,amplifies or voltage controlled resistor.
Conclusion :
Hence we have learnt to use field for find out the jfeet labtoratory using jfeet transistor we observe the constant .IDs in jfeet transistors
Nepal Polytechnic institute
e/tk'/ lrtjg
Bharatpur Chitwan
k|of]ufTds Practical
Date:                                       class:                   experiment no:5six
Roll no:                                   shift or group:                                          
Subject:                                            object of experiment:
Title : charastices of mosfet .
Object:       to study  vi charastices of mosfet.
Learn to use oscilloscope
Apparatus need:
·        mosfet
·        Multimeter
·        oscilloscope
A jfetmosfet pn junction is known as a semiconductor known as a current in one direction .a pn diode ,deduction in one way conducting device offering low resistance.when forword biasing and having almost as insulation we reserved biased.
Vi charestics of pn junction diode;
It is a curve between voltage a cross te junction and circuit current.
i..Zero extended voltage :no current with flow through device.
ii. forward bioas; to the function (ie p type connected to positive terminals and n type connected to negative terminal of supply)the potential barrier is some forward voltage (0.7 v for silicion or 0.3 v for germanium) the potential barrier is altoghether eliminated and current starts following in the circuit.
Reverse bioas ;with the pn junction (ie p type connected to –ve terminal and n connected to +ve terminal) potential barriers at the function increased. The resistance of functionresistance become very hhigh and practically no current flow through the circuit.
When a p type semiconductor iS suitable joined to the n type semiconductor.the contact surface is called pn junction.
Conclusion :
Hence we have learnt to use reverse bioas and forward bioas using semiconductor bioas.
Nepal Polytechnic institute
e/tk'/ lrtjg
Bharatpur Chitwan
k|of]ufTds Practical
Date:                                       class:                   experiment no:5 five
Roll no:                                   shift or group:                                          
Subject:                                            object of experiment:
Title :  charastices of jfeet .
Object:       to study  vi charastices of jfeet.
Learn to use oscilloscope
Apparatus need:
·        jfeet
·        Multimeter
·        oscilloscope

fet  stands for field effect is three terminal unipolar so;id state device in which current is controlled by an electric field .there are
3.     junction field effects transistor (jfeet) :
jfeet  has three terminal carriers ie conduction is by one typevof carriers ie electrons or hole and current controlled by means of an electric field between the gate electrode and the conducting channel of device.s
4.     a jfeet  consist of p type silicion bar containing to pn junction.two pn junction at each  side.the bar froms the conducting channel for charge carriers. If the bar is of p type it is n channel jfeet.if the bar is p type it is called p channel jfeet.the two pn junction forming diodes are connected internally and a common terminal is called gate.the jfeet has three terminal is gate (g),service(s) and drain(d) .

observation: …..table
jfeet   is one of the simple type of field effect transistor. jfeet  are three terminal semiconductor devices that can be used as electronically-controlled switches,amplifies or voltage controlled resistor.
Conclusion :
Hence we have learnt to use field for find out the jfeet labtoratory using jfeet transistor we observe the constant .IDs in jfeet transistors
Nepal Polytechnic institute
e/tk'/ lrtjg
Bharatpur Chitwan
k|of]ufTds Practical
Date:                                       class:                   experiment no:6 six
Roll no:                                   shift or group:                                          
Subject:                                            object of experiment:
Title :  charastices of jfeet .
Object:       to study  vi charastices of mosfet.
Learn to use oscilloscope
Apparatus need:
·        mosfet
·        Multimeter
·        oscilloscope

A jfet  mosfet   is  also a three terminal voltage controlled device.the operation of  mosfet   is similar   to  the jfet.however  mosfet has input impedence  which is much more   than that  of a    jfet.   There   two  type mosfet  
1.depletion  mosfet (de    mosfet)
2.   inhencement mosfet(e mosfet)
1.     DRAIN Characteristics:
In   this  type of mosfet are drawn between the drain current id and drain source   voltage(vds)  is   increase . the drain current (id)should  be increase .but due to the applied (vgs)the drain current is  certain level.hence thegatecurrent   controls the output drain current.  
2.     Transfer Characteristics
In transfer Characteristics  define the change in the value of (vds)with  the change of (id)and (vgs)  in both deflection and enhancement node the transfer Characteristics cure is the transfer Characteristics related drain.current (id)response to the input gate terminal.the gate current is not part of device Characteristics
observation: …..table







Transfer charastices table
Inmosfet  is one of the simple type of field effect Characteristics of  output drain and transfer system. In those drain Characteristics starting current increase rapidely and it goes at a period with point.
Conclusion :
Hence we have learnt to use Characteristics of mosfet function. in labtoratory using mosfet transistor we observe the drain and transfer Characteristics .

Mobile reparing
Name of mobile:
Code no:
Security no:
Create message
Sent item
Picture message
Distribution lists
Screened message
Delete message
Message counter
Message setting
Service com editor
Dc,abc #,alphabet font
Name/tel no
Tel no/message
All read,draft,inboxsent itemscreened message
Sent message…
Info service

Add Contacts
Speed dial
My numbers
No screening
Service no

Call register
Missed call
Received call
Dialed no
Delete recent call lists
Call duration
Message counter

Tone setting
Display setting
Time setting
Call setting
Phone setting
Cost setting
Entertainment setting
Security setting
Right selection key setting
Restore factory setting
Ringing tone,volume,vibrating ,message alert

Clock,date setting,auto update of date &time,
Call divert,automatic redial,speed dialing,call waiting service,send my caller id

Alarm clock
Alarm time
Alarm tone
Repeat alarm


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View all
Alaram tone


Countd time

Nokia 2310 model
Create message
Sent item
Picture message
Distribution lists
Screened message
Delete message
Message counter
Message setting
Service com editor
Dc,abc #,alphabet font
Name/tel no
Tel no/message
All read,draft,inboxsent itemscreened message
Sent message…
Info service

Add Contacts
Speed dial
My numbers
No screening
Service no

Call register
Missed call
Received call
Dialed no
Delete recent call lists
Call duration
Message counter

Tone setting
Display setting
Time setting
Call setting
Phone setting
Cost setting
Entertainment setting
Security setting
Right selection key setting
Restore factory setting
Ringing tone,volume,vibrating ,message alert

Clock,date setting,auto update of date &time,
Call divert,automatic redial,speed dialing,call waiting service,send my caller id

Alarm clock
Alarm time
Alarm tone
Repeat alarm


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View all
Alaram tone

Name of game

Countd time

Alarm clock
Alarm time
Alarm tone
Repeat alarm

Radio on
Switch off visualization
Save chhanel
Auto timing

Text message
Push multimedia
Sos manager
Dc,abc #,alphabet font
All read,draft,in boxsent item screened message
Info service123…

Network service
Call diverting
Call baring
Call waiting
Network selection
Caller id
Closer user group

Divert,busy,no reply,unrechargable,cancel all.
All outgoing,international,except,all incoming,while.

Selecting automatic manual-auto.
Default,hise nubber,send no-default.
Index,outside,change password.

Call record
Missed call
Received call
Dialed no
Delete recent call call cost
Call time

All call,missed ,dialed,recived call/back.
Last,local,recent,max,reset,price unit
Last,total,reset,received time.

Tone setting
Display setting
Time setting
Call setting
Phone setting
Cost setting
Entertainment setting
Security setting
Right selection key setting
Restore factory setting
Ringing tone,volume,vibrating ,message alert

Clock,date setting,auto update of date &time,
Call divert,automatic redial,speed dialing,call waiting service,send my caller id

Alarm clock
Alarm time
Alarm tone
Repeat alarm


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View all
Alaram tone


Countd time


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*$=:6f088{ 6'njf/
*%=kmd]{l6‹ 6'njf/
*^= PS;]n lx;fj vf]Ng] tl/sf
*&= PS;]n l;6sf] k|of]u
**=8f6f /]s{8 / Joj:yfkg ug]{
*(=c+s ul0flto / nf]lhsn lx;fj ug]{
()=c+s ul0flto
(!= tl/sf / cy{
(@=c+s ul0flto ;+s]t / sfo{
(#=;fdfGo laln‹sf] pbfx/0f
($=lx;fjsf] qmd
(%=nf]lhsn lx;fj cy{
(^=nf]lhsn lx;fj IF
(&=nf]lhsn lx;fj OR
(*=nf]lhsn lx;fj AND
((=nf]lhsn lx;fj n]Vbf ljrf/ k'/fpg] qmd
!))=dfs{l;6 agfpg] tl/sf
!)!=;'qwf/ k4lt
!)@= PS;]n sfo{lalw
!)#=s]lx PS;]n sfo{lalw / sfo{
!)$=k]:6 sfo{
!)%=d]g'jf/ cjwf/f0f
!)^= d]g'jf/ k|of]u,kmfon d]g',Ol86,lep,O{G;6{,kmd{6,6'N;,8f6f,ljG8f],x]Nk d]g'
!)&= rf6{ agfpg] tl/sf
!)*= kfj/ KjfOG6sf] kl/ro
kfj/ KjfOG6
!)(= kfj/ KjfOG6 ljG8f]
!!)= Plgd]zg Okm]S6 6'naf/
!!!= kmDofl6{ª 6'njf/
!!@= :6ofG88{ 6'njf/
!!#= gofF :nfO8 vf]Ng] tl/sf
!!$= vfnL :nfO8 l8hfOg ug]{ tl/sf
!!%= :nfO8 ljifoj:t'nfO Plgd]zg ug]{ tl/sf
!!^= 6fOd P08 c8/ -sd_ ldnfpg]
!!&= O{km]S6
!!*= lgl/If0f
!!(= k|:t't ug]{ tl/sf
!@)= k|f]h]S6 lk|h]G6]zg b]vfpg]
!@!= :nfO8 Joj:yfkg ug]{ tl/sf
!@@= vf]Ng] tl/sf
!@#= k]hd]s/ ljG8f]sf efux? / lTfgsf sfo{
!@$= cAh]S6 5fGbf b]lvg] sG6«f]n 6'njf/
!@%= 6]S; 5fGbf b]lvg] sG6«f]n 6'njf/
!@^= Kof/fu|fkm sG6«f]n 6'njf/
!@&= d]g'jf/sf] k|of]u,kmfon d]g',Ol86,lep,n]cfp6,6fO{k,Olnd]G6,o'l6lnl6h,ljG8f] .
!@*=;ls{6 ls
!@(=j8{df k|of]u x'g] ;ls{6 ls
!#)= cfj:os ;6{s6 ls agfpg] tl/sf
!#!= PS;]ndf k|of]u x'g] ;ls{6 ls
!#@=k]hd]s/df k|of]u x'g] ;ls{6 ls
!##= cIf/ n]Vbf ldnfpg] s'/fx?
!#$= cIf/sf k|sf/ / gd'gf
!#%= laleGg cIf/ gd'gf

Computer system
The word ''computer'' is derived from the Latin word ''Computare'' which means to calculate or count. Basically; a computer is device, which computes
A computer is an electronic machine that can accept data; process it then gives the meaningful result.
A computer is an electronic device that can perform certain mathematical and

Logical operations at a very high speed

1. Computer system
            A computer system is a collection of a several parts, which work together and are
Closely related with each other. To complete a computer system; several parts should be connected
 With each other.  Basic operations of computer are INPUT; PROCESSING;OUT
PUT and STORAGE in other words; a combination of input; central processing unit; output unit and
 Secondary storage unit is called a computer system. A black diagram of a computer system is given


     System unit



Text Box: Output devices

Input device
Storage device

                        Block diagram of a computer system

2.      INPUT UNIT
The input unit consists of the device; which can give instruction and data to the computer for processing. Thee are several types of input devices, which are listed blow.
·         light pen
·         key           
·         touch screen
·         mouse                                           
·         digital camera       
·         joystick     
·         touch pad
·         scanners

In this chapter we will learn about key board and mouse.
3.         KEY BOARD
the key board of a compute is like a key board of a type writer. but it has some extra keys as well. it is input device that is used to type and give instruction to the computer. It has 104 keys altogether. these keys are divided into six different group which can be best cited from   the following diagram.

Alphabet keys=A to Z, comma, full-stop etc
Number key=0 to 9
Function keys=f1 to F12

        Arrow keys  
Numeric Key Pad= +, -, x; /,.[decimal] etc
Special key pad= Black space, Enter, Shift, Alt, Ctrl etc 

4        MOUSE-

A mouse is pointing devices, which is, used point or select many things on the monitor. It is connected to the system unit by cables. It is an input device
            First, put a mouse pointer in he position on the screen then press one of the mouse bottons to do some operation 


A system is a very important part of a computer. it acts like a brain of a computer. it connects the main processor of the computer. All processing is done inside the system unit. it is a box which contains the following chief devices

·         Motherboard
·         CPU
·         Power-supply
·         Main memory
·         Input output ports
·         Disk drives
·         Battery
·         Video card
·         Hard disk
·         Expansion slots

CPU is located on the motherboard. It has three sections which are

·         The memory unit [MU]
·         The control unit [CU]
·         The arithmetic and logic unit [ALU]

Control unit-
It controls all the other parts of CPU. It looks after the hardware, checks and errors and controls the sequence operations of various units.


open excel format.
if you add them type as your required =sum (column no: Row no) enter. eg (c1:ri)
if you subtract them type as your required =sub (column no: Row no) enter. eg (c1 - ri).
if you Multipy them type as your required = (column no x Row no) enter. eg (c1 x ri)


open excel format.
if you add them type as your required A4 = A1xA2xA3 / 100
total amount = A1 +A4.

if you subtract them type as your required =sub (column no: Row no) enter. eg (c1 - ri).
if you Multipy them type as your required = (column no x Row no) enter. eg (c1 x ri)
if you add them type as your required =sum (column no: Row no) enter. eg (c1:ri)

qm=;  laifo k]h g+
 !=  j8{ k|f];f]l;Ë s] xf] <
sDk'6/df k|of]u x'g] laleGg zAbx?sf] /fd|f] ;+u ;Dkfbg,gfk,l8hfO{g,ldnfg,lrq,k|rng cflb ul/ pkef]Stfsf] sfo{ ;d'lrt ug]{ / ;/n k|rngdf sDk'6/ ;DalGw sfd ug]{ tl/sf j8{ k|f];f]l;Ë xf] .
o;df laleGg sDk'6/ ;DalGw ;'rgf ;+u|x,;'lrt sfo{ k|0fln,k|f]u|fd,8s'd]G6,Kofs]hx? / k|rlnt lawL kb{5g\ .

 @= dfO{qmf];km6 j8{ sf] kl/ro
dfO{qmf];km6 sDklgn] sDk'6/df k|of]u x'g] laleGg zAbx?sf] /fd|f] ;+u ;Dkfbg,gfk,l8hfO{g,ldnfg,lrq,k|rng h:tf sfo{df sdk'6/sf pkef]stfx? dfem sfo{ ug{ ;lhnf] xf]; eGg] x]t' agfOg] ;'rgf ;+u|x,;'lrt sfo{ k|0fln,k|f]u|fd,8s'd]G6,Kofs]hx? 5fKg tyf n]Vg k|of]u x'G5 .

 #= dfO{qmf];km6 j8{ vf]Ng] tl/sf-dfp; jf :6f6{ tl/sf_
s=laB't cfk'lt{ kl5,sDk'6/ kbf{df b]lvPsf a6g Pj 6'N;jf/ x]l/ z'? ug]{ .
v=k|f]u|fd d]g'jf/ af6, dfO{qmf];km6 j8{ lyRg] .
u= sDk'6/ kbf{df b]lvPsf] dfO{qmf];km6 j8{{ lyRg],gof kbf{ cfp5,cf]s] lyRg] .
3=ta cfkm'nfO{ rflxPsf] 8s'd]G6 n]Vg] / cGtdf kmfonsf] gfd dfU5 n]Vg] ,;]e lyRg]

$= j8{ laG8f]h sf efux?
s=xf]l/h]G6n ?n/ :- dfly af6 tn cfPsf] ?n/,h:sf] dfkg ;]=ld jf O{Grdf x'G5 .

v=d]g' jf/:- j8{df k|of]u x'g] laleGg sdf08 xf] . of] leq kmfon,Ol86,Eo",OG;6{,km/d]6,6'N;,6]jn,ljg8f] tyf x]Nk cflb j6g x'G5g .

u=6'njf/ :- d]g' jf/ d'lg :6fG88{ / kmd]{l6‹ 6'n jf/ ;u} j]r,6]an,af]8{/;,8\O‹,j]e,6]jn,jf]8{;,kmd{;,lkSr/ cflb 6'njf/df kb{5g\ .
3=6ofa jf/:- 6fO{k ul/Psf] 6]S6,8s'd]G6 sf cIf/x? k|of]ustf{n] k'g /fVgsf nflu k|of]u ul/G5 .
8==el6{sn jf/ :-
dfly af6 t];|f] cfPsf] ?n/,h:sf] dfkg ;]=ld jf O{Grdf x'G5 . kmn:j?k tNnf] dflyNnf] dflh{g x]g{ k|ofu x'G5 .
r=lep j6g:- tkfOn] agfPsf] 6fO{k ul/Psf] 6]S6,8s'd]G6 sf gd{n Eo" ,j]e n] cfp6 Eo", lk|G6 n] cfp6 / cfp6nfO{g Eo" cflb kmfon d]g'df lSns ubf{ b]lvg] sdf08 lni6 / kmfonx? ;DalGwt sfo{df kb{5g .
 %= d]g'jf/ cjwf/0f
kmfon:- o;df cfwf/e't sdf08 cf]kg,Snf]h,;]e,lk|G6 cflb 5g\ .

Ol86:- o;df cfwf/e't sdf08 cg 8' ,l/ 8' ,s6 cflb 5g\ .

Eo",OG;6{:- o;df cfwf/e't sdf08 gd{n,lk|G6 n]cfp6,:6f08{ 6'njf/,kmd]{l6‹ 6'njf/,h'd cflb 5g\ .

km/d]6:- o;df cfwf/e't sdf08 af]8{;,kmG6,kmG6;fO{h cflb 5g\ .

6'N; :- o;df cfwf/e't sdf08 l:klnË / u|fd/ r]s,d]n dh{,O{Genk / n]en cflb 5g\ .

6]jn:- o;df cfwf/e't sdf08 O{G;6{ 6]an,8\ 6]an,l8n]6 /f] cflb 5g\ .

ljg8f] :- o;df cfwf/e't sdf08 P/]Gh,l:kN6 cflb 5g\ .

x]Nk:- o;df cfwf/e't sdf08 cfa:ostf cg';f/ rflxPsf] /flvPsf] 5g\ .

^= gof 8s'd]G6 vf]Ng] tyf aGb ug]{ tl/sf
s= l;w} vf]Ng] tl/sf kmfon> Go", sG6f]n + Pg .
v= qmdut tl/sf
· laB't cfk'lt{ kl5,sDk'6/ kbf{df b]lvPsf a6g Pj 6'N;jf/ x]l/-:6f6{_z'? ug]{ .
· k|f]u|fd d]g'jf/ af6, dfO{qmf];km6 j8{ lyRg] .
· sDk'6/ kbf{df b]lvPsf] dfO{qmf];km6 :6F6{ j8{{ lyRg],kmfonsf] gfd cfp5,cf]s] lyRg] .
· ta cfkm'nfO{ rflxPsf] 8s'd]G6 n]Vg] / cGtdf kmfonsf] gfd dfU5 n]Vg] ,;]e lyRg] .
· law't hfg] vt/f x'g;Sg] x'bf a]nfa]nfdf ;]e ug]{ .

&= 8s'd]G6 ;]e ug]{ tl/sf
s= l;w} vf]Ng] tl/sf kmfon> ;]e jf ;]e Ph, sG6f]n + P; .
v= qmdut tl/sf
·             laB't cfk'lt{ kl5,sDk'6/ kbf{df b]lvPsf a6g Pj 6'N;jf/ x]l/-:6f6{_z'? ug]{ .
·             k|f]u|fd d]g'jf/ af6, dfO{qmf];km6 j8{ lyRg] .
·             sDk'6/ kbf{df b]lvPsf] dfO{qmf];km6 j8{{ lyRg],kmfonsf] gfd cfp5,cf]s] lyRg] .
·             ta cfkm'nfO{ rflxPsf] 8s'd]G6 n]Vg] / cGtdf kmfonsf] gfd dfU5 cfkm'n] rfx]sf] gfd n]Vg] ,;]e lyRg] .
·             kbf{sf] ;aeGbf dfly ;]e u/]sf] gfd cfp5,x]g]{ . ta sDk'6/ aGb u/] x'G5 .
·             law't hfg] vt/f x'g;Sg] x'bf a]nfa]nfdf ;]e ug]{ .

*= ;]eofhsf] k|of]u
;+lrt u/]sf] 6]S; jf 8s'd]G6nfO{ k'g csf]{ gfd / slkdf lbO{ 8fO{/]S6f]l/ jf kmf]N8/ agfpg k|of]u x'G5 .
·             laB't cfk'lt{ kl5,sDk'6/ kbf{df b]lvPsf a6g Pj 6'N;jf/ x]l/-:6f6{_z'? ug]{ .
·             k|f]u|fd d]g'jf/ af6, dfO{qmf];km6 j8{ lyRg] .
·             sDk'6/ kbf{df b]lvPsf] dfO{qmf];km6 j8{{ lyRg],kmfonsf] gfd cfp5, ;]e Ph lylr ;]e j6g cfp5  To;nfO{ lyRg] .
·             ta cfkm'nfO{ rflxPsf] 8s'd]G6 n]Vg] / cGtdf kmfonsf] gfd dfU5 cfkm'n] rfx]sf] gfd n]Vg] ,;]e lyRg] .
·             kbf{sf] ;aeGbf dfly ;]ePh u/]sf] gfd cfp5,x]g]{ . ta sDk'6/ aGb u/] x'G5 .
·             law't hfg] vt/f x'g;Sg] x'bf a]nfa]nfdf ;]e ug]{ .

 *= lk|G6 lk| Eo"
;+lrt u/]sf] 6]S; jf 8s'd]G6nfO{ cfkm'n] rfx]sf] h:tf] 5fKg ,?k / gd'gf lbg ,ldnfg kg]{ eP k'g yk36 ul/ ;]e ug'k5{ . ta lk|G6 lk|Eo" x]g{ ;lsG5 .o; leq 6'njf/x? x'G5g .
print :- o:sf] k|of]u 6]s:6 jf 8s'd]G6 rfx]sf] / lk|G6/ ultl;n agfpg k|of]u x'G5 .
magnifier :- rfx]sf] / 8s'd]g6 jf 6]S;6,;fgf] 7'nf] agfpg k|of]u x'G5 .
one page :- rfx]sf] / 8s'd]g6 jf 6]S;6 nfO{ l:qmgdf,Ps k]h dfq agfpg k|of]u x'G5 .
multiple page :- rfx]sf] / 8s'd]g6 jf 6]S;6 nfO{ l:qmgdf,b'O{ k]h dfq agfpg k|of]u x'G5 .
zoom control :- rfx]sf] / 8s'd]g6 jf 6]S;6 nfO{ l:qmgdf ;fgf] 7'nf] agfpg k|of]u x'G5 .
view ruler :- rfx]sf] / 8s'd]g6 jf 6]S;6  l:qmgdf dfkg b]vfpg k|of]u x'G5 .
shrink to fit :- rfx]sf] / 8s'd]g6 jf 6]S;6sf] ;fgf] lx:;f Pp6} k]hdf gc6fO{ ldnfpg nfO{ l:qmgdf Ps k]h c6fpg / k]h ;+Vof 36fpg k|of]u x'G5 .
full screen :- rfx]sf] / 8s'd]g6 jf 6]S;6 nfO{  k'/f l:qmgdf b]vfpg k|of]u x'G5 .
:6f6{ tl/sf
·             laB't cfk'lt{ kl5,sDk'6/ kbf{df b]lvPsf a6g Pj 6'N;jf/ x]l/-:6f6{_z'? ug]{ .
·             k|f]u|fd d]g'jf/ af6, dfO{qmf];km6 j8{ lyRg] .
·             sDk'6/ kbf{df b]lvPsf] dfO{qmf];km6 j8{{ lyRg],kmfonsf] gfd cfp5,cf]s] lyRg] .
·             ta cfkm'nfO{ rflxPsf] 8s'd]G6 n]Vg] / cGtdf kmfonsf] gfd dfU5 cfkm'n] rfx]sf] gfd n]Vg] ,;]e lyRg] .
·             kbf{sf] ;aeGbf dfly ;]e u/]sf] gfd cfp5,x]g]{ . ta sDk'6/ aGb u/] x'G5 .
·             law't hfg] vt/f x'g;Sg] x'bf a]nfa]nfdf ;]e ug]{ .

 (=lk|G6 ug]{ tl/sf
rfx]sf] / 8s'd]g6 jf 6]S;6 nfO{ l:qmgdf x]l/,ldnfO{ Ps k]h-1,current page_jf ;a} all sdf08 cfs] ul/ k]h lgsfNg k|of]u x'G5 . print all> ok sdf08 k|of]u x'G5 .
current page :- o:sf] k|of]u 6]s:6 jf 8s'd]G6 rfx]sf] / lk|G6 ultl;n agfpg,cfa:os k]k/ ;fy} l8hfO{g k|of]u ul/ lk|G6 lgsfNg] sfd x'G5 .
pages :- o:sf] k|of]u 6]s:6 jf 8s'd]G6 rfx]sf] ;+Vofdf lk|G6 ul/ k]h agfpg k|of]u x'G5 .
number of copies print:- o:sf] k|of]u 6]s:6 jf 8s'd]G6 rfx]sf] ;Vofdf / lk|G6/ ultl;n agfO{ 5kfO{ k|of]u x'G5 .
print to file:- o:sf] k|of]u 6]s:6 jf 8s'd]G6 rfx]sf] / /]s{8 ul/ t' cfj:os lk|G6 agfpg k|of]u x'G5 .

·              laB't cfk'lt{ kl5,sDk'6/ kbf{df b]lvPsf a6g Pj 6'N;jf/ x]l/-:6f6{_z'? ug]{ .
·             k|f]u|fd d]g'jf/ af6, dfO{qmf];km6 j8{ lyRg] .
·             sDk'6/ kbf{df b]lvPsf] dfO{qmf];km6 j8{{ lyRg],kmfonsf] gfd cfp5,cf]s] lyRg] .
·             ta cfkm'nfO{ rflxPsf] 8s'd]G6 n]Vf]sf] kmfonsf] gfd cfp5 . kmfon af6 lk|G6 sdf08 dfU5 ,rflxPsf] 8s'd]G6 nfO{ dflysf] sdf08 s/]G6 k]h,k]h]h,cn ldnfO{ lyRg] .
·             lk|G6 x'g yfNb5 .sDk'6/df k]h / g+ l;l4P kl5 ta sDk'6/ aGb u/] x'G5 .
·             law't hfg] vt/f x'g;Sg] x'bf a]nfa]nfdf ;]e ug]{ .

 !)= dfO{qmf];km6 j8{ aGb ug]{ tl/sf
rfx]sf] / 8s'd]g6 jf 6]S;6 nfO{ l:qmgdf x]l/,ldnfO{ Ps k]h-1,current page_jf ;a} all sdf08 cfs] ul/ k]h lgsfNg k|of]u x'G5 . file -exit,shutdown, ok sdf08 k|of]u x'G5 .
·             laB't cfk'lt{ kl5,sDk'6/ kbf{df b]lvPsf a6g Pj 6'N;jf/ x]l/-:6f6{_z'? ug]{ .
·             k|f]u|fd d]g'jf/ af6, dfO{qmf];km6 j8{ lyRg] .
·             sDk'6/ kbf{df b]lvPsf] dfO{qmf];km6 j8{{ lyRg],kmfonsf] gfd cfp5,cf]s] lyRg] .
·             ta cfkm'nfO{ rflxPsf] 8s'd]G6 n]Vg] / cGtdf kmfonsf] gfd dfU5 cfkm'n] rfx]sf] gfd n]Vg] ,;]e lyRg] .
·             kbf{sf] ;aeGbf dfly ;]e u/]sf] gfd cfp5,x]g]{ . kmfon aGb ul/ csf]{ sfd eP k|f]ufd af6 kl/jt{g ug]{ .cGoyf sDk'6/ aGb u/] x'G5 .
·             law't hfg] vt/f x'g;Sg] x'bf a]nfa]nfdf ;]e ug]{ .

!!= O{8]6 d]g'
!@= cIf/ d]6g] tl/sf
o;af6 laleGg k|sf/sf cIf/ d]6g] sfd x'G5 .
·             laB't cfk'lt{ kl5,sDk'6/ kbf{df b]lvPsf a6g Pj 6'N;jf/ x]l/-:6f6{_z'? ug]{ .
·             k|f]u|fd d]g'jf/ af6, dfO{qmf];km6 j8{ lyRg] .
·             sDk'6/ kbf{df b]lvPsf] dfO{qmf];km6 j8{{ lyRg],kmfonsf] gfd cfp5,cf]s] lyRg] .
·             ta cfkm'nfO{ rflxPsf] 8s'd]G6 n]Vg] / cGtdf kmfonsf] gfd dfU5 cfkm'n] rfx]sf] gfd d]6\g],n]Vg] ,;]e,O{l86 lyRg] .Ps cIf/sf] nflu cufl8 P/f] ls af6 / k5fl8 ldn]6 ls af6 klg ug{ ;lsG5 .k'/f jfSo,lrq-lrq jl/kl/ sfnf] yf]Knf / 3]/f cfPkl5_ jf afSo klg 5flg kbf{df sfnf] b]vfp5 To; nfO{ sG6\f]n l; / sG6\f]n le ul/ rfx]sf] 7fpdf lng ;lsG5 .
·             ta sDk'6/ aGb u/] x'G5 .
·             law't hfg] vt/f x'g;Sg] x'bf a]nfa]nfdf ;]e ug]{ .

!#=cg8' l/8' ug]{ tl/sf
rfx]sf] / 8s'd]g6 jf 6]S;6 nfO{ l:qmgdf x]l/,ldnfO{ P/f]-3'dfp/f]_ -do,undo_jf ;a} -undo clear,redo clear_ sdf08 cf]s] sdf08 k|of]u x'G5 .
·             sDk'6/ kbf{df b]lvPsf] dfO{qmf];km6 j8{{ lyRg],kmfonsf] gfd cfp5,cf]s] lyRg] .
·             ta cfkm'nfO{ rflxPsf] 8s'd]G6 n]Vg] / cGtdf kmfonsf] gfd dfU5 cfkm'n] rfx]sf] gfd n]Vg] , gldn] cg8' l/8' lrGx lylr ;]e lyRg] .
·             kbf{sf] ;aeGbf dfly ;]e u/]sf] gfd cfp5,x]g]{ . ta sDk'6/ aGb u/] x'G5 .
·             law't hfg] vt/f x'g;Sg] x'bf a]nfa]nfdf ;]e ug]{ .
!%=cIf/ ;fg]{ tyf slk ug]{ tl/sf
O{l86 d]g'df uO{ slk lns u/]/ slk ul/Psf] 6]S;6nfO{ k'g O{l86 d]g'df lslns ug]{ / k]:6 ug]{ .
·             laB't cfk'lt{ kl5,sDk'6/ kbf{df b]lvPsf a6g Pj 6'N;jf/ x]l/-:6f6{_z'? ug]{ .
·             k|f]u|fd d]g'jf/ af6, dfO{qmf];km6 j8{ lyRg] .
·             sDk'6/ kbf{df b]lvPsf] dfO{qmf];km6 j8{{df kmfonsf] gfd cfp5 .
·             ta cfkm'nfO{ rflxPsf] 8s'd]G6 5fGg] / O{l86 d]g'df lslns ul/  kmfonsf] cfkm'n] rfx]sf] 8s'd]G6nfO{ 5flg-sfnf]_] ,;]e lyRg] .
·             kbf{sf] ;aeGbf dfly ;]e u/]sf] gfd cfp5,x]g]{ . ta sDk'6/ aGb u/] x'G5 .
·             law't hfg] vt/f x'g;Sg] x'bf a]nfa]nfdf ;]e ug]{ .
!^= ;6s6 d]g'sf] k|of]u
O{l86 d]g'df lslns ug]{ ,s6,slk ,k]i6 ltg a'n]6 cfp5 .
·             laB't cfk'lt{ kl5,sDk'6/ kbf{df b]lvPsf a6g Pj 6'N;jf/ x]l/-:6f6{_z'? ug]{ .
·             k|f]u|fd d]g'jf/ af6, dfO{qmf];km6 j8{ lyRg] .
sDk'6/ kbf{df b]lvPsf] dfO{qmf];km6 j8{{ lyRg],kmfonsf] gfd cfp5, O{l86 d]g'df lslns ug]{ ,s6,slk ,k]i6 ltg a'n]6 cfp5 .cfkm'nfO{ rflxPsf] O{l86 d]g'df lslns ug]{ .
       O{l86 d]g'df lslns ug]{ ,s6,slk ,k]i6 ltg a'n]6 cfp5 .  lyRg] .
·             ta cfkm'nfO{ rflxPsf] 8s'd]G6 n]Vg],5fGg] / cGtdf kmfonsf] gfd dfU5 cfkm'n] rfx]sf] gfd n]Vg] ,;]e lyRg] .
·             kbf{sf] ;aeGbf dfly ;]e u/]sf] gfd cfp5,x]g]{ . ta sDk'6/ aGb u/] x'G5 .
·             law't hfg] vt/f x'g;Sg] x'bf a]nfa]nfdf ;]e ug]{ .

!&= s6 / k]:6 sdf08
O{l86 d]g'df lslns ug]{ ,s6,slk ,k]i6 ltg a'n]6 cfp5 .rflxPsf] a'n]6 k|of]u ug]{ .
·             laB't cfk'lt{ kl5,sDk'6/ kbf{df b]lvPsf a6g Pj 6'N;jf/ x]l/-:6f6{_z'? ug]{ .
·             k|f]u|fd d]g'jf/ af6, dfO{qmf];km6 j8{ lyRg] .
sDk'6/ kbf{df b]lvPsf] dfO{qmf];km6 j8{{ lyRg],kmfonsf] gfd cfp5, O{l86 d]g'df lslns ug]{ ,s6,slk ,k]i6 ltg sdf08 a'n]6 cfp5 .
·             rflxPsf] 5fg]/-sfnf] agfO{_ s6,slk,k]i6 lyRg] .
·             ta cfkm'nfO{ rflxPsf] 8s'd]G6 n]Vg],slk ug]{,s6 ug]{ / cGtdf kmfonsf] gfd dfU5 cfkm'n] rfx]sf] gfd n]Vg] ,;]e lyRg] .
·             kbf{sf] ;aeGbf dfly ;]e u/]sf] gfd cfp5,x]g]{ k'g ;]e ug]{ . ta sDk'6/ aGb u/] x'G5 .
·             law't hfg] vt/f x'g;Sg] x'bf a]nfa]nfdf ;]e ug]{ .
!*= kmfO{08 / l/kn] sdf08
s'g} klg rfx]sf] / 8s'd]g6 jf 6]S;6 nfO{ l:qmgdf x]l/,ldnfO{ k'g k|lt:yfkg ug{ -find text,find what_jf ;a} -ctrl + f,replace go df find next ug]{ _ sdf08 cf]s] sdf08 k|of]u x'G5 . o;df match case,find whole word only,use wild card,sound like x'G5g .
·             laB't cfk'lt{ kl5,sDk'6/ kbf{df b]lvPsf a6g Pj 6'N;jf/ x]l/-:6f6{_z'? ug]{ .
·             k|f]u|fd d]g'jf/ af6, dfO{qmf];km6 j8{ lyRg] .
·             sDk'6/ kbf{df b]lvPsf] dfO{qmf];km6 j8{{ lyRg],O[l85 d]g' cfp5.To; kl5 replacedf lslns ug]{ .kmfonsf] gfd cfp5,kmfO{G8 P08 l/k]n]; lyRg] .
·             ta cfkm'nfO{ rflxPsf] 8s'd]G6 5fGg]] / cGtdf df]/,kfO{G8,SofG;Ln cfp5 cfkm'n] rfx]sf] gfd n]Vg] ,;]e lyRg] .
·             kbf{sf] ;aeGbf dfly ;]e u/]sf] gfd cfp5,x]g]{ . ta sDk'6/ aGb u/] x'G5 .
·             law't hfg] vt/f x'g;Sg] x'bf a]nfa]nfdf ;]e ug]{ .

!(= uf] 6' sdf08
s'g} klg rfx]sf] / 8s'd]g6 jf 6]S;6 nfO{ l:qmgdf x]l/,ldnfO{ k'g k|lt:yfkg ug{ -go to command_jf ;a} -edit menu ug]{enter page e/]sf] :yfgdf  _ sdf08 cf]s] k|of]u ubf{ cfkm'nfO{ rflxPsf] k]h cfp5 . o;df go to command k|of]u u/] kl5 rflxPsf] k]hdf k'luG5 . x'G5g .

·             laB't cfk'lt{ kl5,sDk'6/ kbf{df b]lvPsf a6g Pj 6'N;jf/ x]l/-:6f6{_z'? ug]{ .
·             k|f]u|fd d]g'jf/ af6, dfO{qmf];km6 j8{ lyRg] .
·             sDk'6/ kbf{df b]lvPsf] dfO{qmf];km6 j8{{ lyRg],kmfonsf] gfd cfp5,cf]s] lyRg] .
·             ta cfkm'nfO{ rflxPsf] 8s'd]G6 n]Vg] / cGtdf kmfonsf] gfd dfU5 cfkm'n] rfx]sf] go to command lyRg], gfd n]Vg] ,;]e lyRg] .
·             kbf{sf] ;aeGbf dfly ;]e u/]sf] gfd cfp5,x]g]{ . ta sDk'6/ aGb u/] x'G5 .
·             law't hfg] vt/f x'g;Sg] x'bf a]nfa]nfdf ;]e ug]{ .
@)= uf] 6' sdf08 k|of]u ug]{ tl/sf
s'g} klg rfx]sf] / 8s'd]g6 jf 6]S;6 nfO{ l:qmgdf x]l/,ldnfO{ k'g k|lt:yfkg ug{ -go to command_jf ;a} -edit menu ug]{enter page en]sf] :yfgdf  _ sdf08 cf]s] k|of]u ubf{ cfkm'nfO{ rflxPsf] k]h cfp5 . o;df k|of]u u/] kl5 rflxPsf] k]hdf k'luG5 . x'G5g .
go to command
@!=lep d]g'
s'g} klg rfx]sf] / 8s'd]g6 jf 6]S;6 nfO{ l:qmgdf x]l/,ldnfO{ k'g k|lt:yfkg ug{ -view menu_jf ;a} -print lay out ,header,footer,full screen,zooming eg]sf] :yfgdf  _ sdf08 cf]s] k|of]u ubf{ cfkm'nfO{ rflxPsf] lep d]g' cfp5 . o;df click k|of]u u/] kl5 rflxPsf] sdf08df k'luG5 .

@@= lk|G6n] cfp6
lep d]g' af6 lk|G6 n] cfp6 click ug]{ .
@#=x]8/ P08 km'8/
rflxPsf] document name,document,file symbol cflb ;Dk"0f{ k]hdf lgsfNg k|of]u x'G5 .
 8s'd]G6 vf]ln lep d]g' af6 x]8/ km'6/ lslns ug]{ .
 lep d]g' af6 x]8/ km'6/ lslns ul/ rfx]sf] text n]Vg] .
 switch between header/footer af6 footer n]Vg ;lsG5 .
 ca k]h set up ug]{ o/layout ption 5fg] kl5 different odd and   even,different first  page aS; lslns ug]{ .
 ok buttendf lslns ul/ header/footer button nfO{ close ug]{ .
 different jf Ps} k]hdf /fVg,ldlt n]Vg,;do /fVg  k|of]u ug]{ .
@$=km'n l:qmg
8s'd]G6 vf]ln lep d]g' af6- ?n/,x]8/ km'6/_ lslns ug]{ .
 lep d]g' af6 full screen lslns ug]{ .
 document jf Ps} k]hdf /fVg,ldlt n]Vg,;do /fVg  k|of]u ug]{ .

@%=h'd O{g, ;fgf] 7"nf]
8s'd]G6 vf]ln lep d]g' af6 h'd O{g, ;fgf] 7"nf] lslns ug]{ .
 lep d]g' af6 h'd O{g, ;fgf] 7"nf] lslns ul/ rfx]sf] text n]Vg] .
 different jf Ps} k]hdf zoom to 100 % jf ljlegg cfsf/df /fVg],ldlt n]Vg,;do /fVg  k|of]u ug]{ .
@^=O{g;6{ d]g'
8s'd]G6 vf]ln O{g;6{  d]g' af6 break n] page break lslns ug]{ .
 O{g;6{ d]g' af6 page ul/ rfx]sf] O{g;6{ cfp5 .
 O{g;6{  d]g' af6 break lslns page break,column break,text warping break cflb option   cfp5 lt aS; lslns ug]{  / k|of]u ug]{ .

@&=k]h a|]s,k]h 5'§fpg]
page break dfq lslns ug]{ .
8s'd]G6 vf]ln O{g;6{  d]g' af6 break n] page break lslns ug]{ .
 O{g;6{ d]g' af6 page break lslns ul/ rfx]sf] O{g;6{ cfp5 .
 O{g;6{  d]g' af6 page break,column break,text warping break cflb option   cfp5 lt aS; lslns ug]{  / k|of]u ug]{ .

@*= 8s'd]G6 ;]S;g 5'§fpg]

8s'd]G6 vf]ln O{g;6{  d]g' af6 break n] page break lslns ug]{ .
 O{g;6{ d]g' af6 page break lslns ul/ rfx]sf] O{g;6{ cfp5 .
 O{g;6{  d]g' af6 page break,column break,text warping break cflb option   cfp5 lt aS; lslns ug]{  / k|of]u ug]{ .
@(= k]h gDa/ /fVg]
8s'd]G6 vf]ln O{G;6{ d]g' af6 page break lslns ug]{ .
o:df  next page,continious,odd,even x'G5g ltlgx?sf] k|of]u ug]{ .
;]S;g 5'6fpbfposition of page cfp5 .
aligment eGg] option af6 left right,center option cfp5 . h'g rflxG5 lslns ul/ lbg] . o:df qmdz k]h 1,2,3,   / i,ii,iii jf a,b,c cflb ok ul/ ldnfpg ;lsG5 .
8s'd]G6 vf]ln O{g;6{  d]g' af6 break n] page break lslns ug]{ .
 O{g;6{ d]g' af6 page break lslns ul/ rfx]sf] O{g;6{ cfp5 .
 #)=ldlt / ;do/fVg]
8s'd]G6 vf]ln O{g;6{  d]g' af6 break n] page break lslns ug]{ .
 O{g;6{ d]g' af6 page break lslns ul/ rfx]sf] O{g;6{ cfp5 .
 date time dialog box cfp5 lslns ug]{ .
 different jf Ps} k]hdf /fVg,ldlt n]Vg,;do /fVg  k|of]u ug]{ .

#!=c6f] 6]S;
8s'd]G6 vf]ln lep d]g' af6 x]8/ km'6/ lslns ug]{ .
8s'd]G6 vf]ln O{g;6{  d]g' af6 auto text nfO{ 5flg k'g auto text lslns ug]{ .auto correct dialoug box  lslns ug]{  / zAb 6fO{k ug]{ .
add button sf] :yfg lslns ul/ rfx]sf] text cfp5 .

 #@=;'rÍf -l;djf]n_ /fVg]
8s'd]G6 vf]ln O{G;6{ d]g' af6 symool lslns ug]{ .
 symbool af6 normal,courir new,windings cflb symbol cfp5 rflxg] 5flg lslns ul/ rfx]sf] text n]Vg] .
 g]kfln n]v]sf]df n]kfnL / c? efiffdf u.s. english symbool cfp5,;f]lx  n]Vg ;lsG5 .
 ca k]h set up ug]{ /layout option 5fg] kl5 different odd and   even,different first  page aS; lslns ug]{ .
 ok buttendf lslns ul/ header/footer button nfO{ close ug]{ .
 different jf Ps} k]hdf /fVg,ldlt n]Vg,;do /fVg  k|of]u ug]{ .

##= km'6gf]6 / O{G8gf]6-l;/fg / k'R5/df _
8s'd]G6 vf]ln 8s'd]G6 vf]ln O{G;6{ d]g' af6 symool lslns ug]{ .
 different jf Ps} k]hdf /fVg,ldlt n]Vg,;do /fVg  k|of]u ug]{ .

#$= km'6gf]6 / O{G8gf]6-l;/fg / k'R5/df /fVg]_ tl/sf
8s'd]G6 vf]ln lep d]g' af6 x]8/ km'6/ lslns ug]{ .
 lep d]g' af6 x]8/ km'6/ lslns ul/ rfx]sf] text n]Vg] .
 switch between header/footer af6 footer n]Vg ;lsG5 .
 ca k]h set up ug]{ /layout option 5fg] kl5 different odd and   even,different first  page aS; lslns ug]{ .
 ok buttendf lslns ul/ header/footer button nfO{ close ug]{ .
 different jf Ps} k]hdf /fVg,ldlt n]Vg,;do /fVg  k|of]u ug]{ .

#%= 6]a'n ckm sG6]G6
8s'd]G6 vf]ln O{G;6{ d]g' af6 symool lslns ug]{ .

#^= O{g8]S;
8s'd]G6 vf]ln O{G;6{ d]g' af6 symool lslns ug]{ .table,proposal agfpg] .
O{G;6{ d]g'af6 index and table dialog box b]vf k5{ 5flg sfd ug]{ .
#&=lrq /fVg]
8s'd]G6 vf]ln O{G;6{ d]g' af6 symool lslns ug]{ .table,proposal agfpg] .
O{G;6{ d]g'af6 index and table dialog box b]vf k5{ 5flg sfd ug]{ .
clip art ,from file,auto shapes,word art,from scanner or camera,chart x'G5 . 5fg]/ picture option df mouse nlu m5fGg ;lsg] x'bf k|of]u u/] x'G5 .
#*=6]s:6 afsf;
8s'd]G6 vf]ln O{G;6{ d]g' af6 text box lslns ug]{ .text x? n]v]sf] nfO{ mouse point af6 laif]; p/f] b]lvbf ;fgf] 7"nf] agfpg ldN5, agfpg / aflx/f lslns ubf{ dl;gf] yf]Knf ePsf] 3]/f x65 . ca text k'/f eof] aflx/ lslns ul/ lbg] .

#(= kmdf{6 d]g'
ZfAb cIf/ cg'R5]b cflbsf nflu k|of]u x'G5 .font,font size,font style kl/jt{g ul/G5 .
$)=cIf/ l8hfO{g ug]{ tl/sf
8s'd]g6 vf]n]/ text 5fGg]
formatting menu cfp5 font click kl5 diolog box cfp5 To;df font style,font nfO[ ok u/]kl5 font color cfp5 .
cfkm'n] 5fGg] underline xf] eg] underline sf] k|sf/ 5fGg] .
$!= cIf/sf c;/x?
8s'd]g6 vf]n]/ text 5fGg]
cfkm'n] 5fGg] format menu af6 font xf] eg]font dialog boxdf /x]sf] charecheter spacing tab df s'g xf ;f]] k|sf/ 5fGg] .
spacing text box af6 communication elg normal,expanded,condensed  n]v]sf] jf cIf/sf] b'l/ atfp5 .x]g]{ .
ca communication af6 raised,lowered ePsf] position text box cfp5 ,sfd ug]{
$@= cIf/ cIf/larsf] vfln7fplgwf{/0f ug]{ tl/sf
Ø    8s'd]g6 vf]n]/ text 5fGg]
paragraph df lslns ug]{.
$#=Kof/fu|fkm ldnfpg]
v    8s'd]g6 vf]n]/ text 5fGg]
v    allignment text box cfp5 option sf left ,right,centered / justified af6 alignment ldnfpg] .
v    indentation af6 text sf] before optin df /x]sf] nfO{gsf] b'l/ ldnfpg] .
bullet and numbering cfp5, cfkm'nfO{ dg kg]{ 5flg ok ug]{ .
format menu b]vf k5{ .cfkm'nfO{ paragraph s] rflxG5 5fGg] . cf] s] ug]{ .

$$=a'n]6 / gDal/‹ /fVg]
8s'd]g6 vf]n]/ text 5fGg]
dfp;nfO{ right click ug]{
bullet and numbering cfp5, cfkm'nfO{ dg kg]{ 5flg ok ug]{ .
format menu b]vf k5{ .cfkm'nfO{ a'n]6 jf lkSr/ s] rflxG5 5fGg] .
bullet numbering tab af6 numbered df lslns ug]{ . h'g rflxG5 5fg]/ cf] s] ug]{ .
$%=af]8{/ / ;]l8‹ /fVg]
8s'd]g6 vf]n]/ text 5fGg]
bullet and numbering cfp5, cfkm'nfO{ dg kg]{ 5flg ok ug]{ .
format menu b]vf k5{ .cfkm'nfO{ boarder and shading s] rflxG5 5fGg] .
cf] s] ug]{ .
$^= sf]nd ldnfpg]
8s'd]g6 vf]n]/ text 5fGg]
format menu sf] columns lylr,mpre set df hfg] .
ca number of column af6 rflxg] column af6 ;Vof lgwf{/0f ul/width and spacing ;u}equal column width sf] check box df lslns ug]{ .
apply option af6 k'/} document klg column 5'6\fO{ line between n]lvPsf] check box df lslns u/ kl5 k/} document sf] colums ldNb5 .
$&= 6\ofa ldnfg]
8s'd]g6 vf]n]/ text 5fGg]
tabdf left right,center,decimal n]lvPsf] x'G5.
ca format menu af6 tabs x'b}tab stop position d'lg aligment ug{ ;lsG5 .
$*= 6'n; d]g'
8s'd]g6 vf]n]/ text 5fGg] . h; af6 zAb,jfSo,cg'R5]b ,eflifs agfj6 ldnfO{G5 .
$(=:k]ln‹ / u|fd/ r]s ug]{
8s'd]g6 vf]n]/ text 5fGg]
rflxPsf] zAbdf mouse nfO{ right click ug]{ .
k'g click ubf{ :k]ln‹ ;fx s'g xf] ;f]W5,x]g]{ / xfO{nf{6 nfO{ click u/] :k]ln‹ z'4 x'G5 .
t;y{ o:df
Ignore,ignore all,add,change,auto correct cflb option cfp5g\ , ldnfpg ;lsG5 .
8s'd]g6 vf]n]/ text 5fGg] clg tool menu df hfg] .replace with synonym n]lvPsf] :yfg af6 look up button jf g]{ . previous button k|of]u ujf l;w}
rflxPsf] zAbdf mouse nfO{ right click ug]{ .
k'g click ubf{ :k]ln‹ ;fx s'g xf] ;f]W5,x]g]{ / xfO{nf{6 nfO{ click u/] :k]ln‹ z'4 x'G5 .

%!= j8{ sfpG6
8s'd]g6 vf]n]/ text 5fGg]
rflxPsf] zAbdf mouse nfO{ right click ug]{ .
o;l/ tools menu af6 word count ul/ Tof] k]hdf /x]sf word ;a} page,words,charecters,paragraphs, line b]vfp5 .x]l/ ;s] kl5 close ug]{ .
%@=dh{ 8s'd]G6
8s'd]g6 vf]n]/ text 5fGg],tool menu af6 b'O{ a]Un} :yfgaf6 Pp6}df protect ug{ password klg /flvG5 .

%#=k|f]6]S6 8s'd]G6
8s'd]g6 vf]n]/ text 5fGg]
protect password  tool menu af6 vf]ln n]Vg] .
protect password  leqtracked changes,comments,forms cfp5 .
;f] eGbf tn password 6fO{k ul/cf] s] ul/G5 .
%$=d]n dh{
8s'd]g6 vf]n]/ text 5fGg]
tool menu af6 mail merge lgsfn] kl5 mail merge helper dialog box b]vfk5{ .
create af6 form letter 5flg active window af6 new main document click ubf{ create x'G5 .
ca To;df bf];|f] r/0fsf]  create data source af6 title cfp5 cf]s] ug]{ .
olb c? data yKg k/]df add field name jf remove field name klg ug{ ;lsG5 .
gofg} field rflxPdf add field name nfO{ ok ug'{kb{5 .h:df data form cfp5 .
%%=d'Vo 8s'd]G6 tof/ ug]{ tl/sf
8s'd]g6 vf]n]/ text 5fGg]
%^=8f6fsf] gof ;|f]t tof/ ug]{ tl/sf
8s'd]g6 vf]n]/ text 5fGg]
%&=8f6fnfO{ d'Vo 8s'd]G6 tof/ ug]{ tl/sf
%*=O{Ge]nk / n]an
8s'd]g6 vf]n]/ text 5fGg]
%(=6]a'n d]g'
8s'd]g6 vf]n]/ text 5fGg]
laleGg lsl;dn] 6]a'n leq row,column / cell ul/ # efudf laeflht ul/G5 .
^)=/f] tyf sf]nd agfpg] tl/sf
8s'd]g6 vf]n]/ text 5fGg]
6]a'n d]g' af6 insert  table df lslns ul/ insert table diolog box b]lvG5 .
6]a'n ;fO{h eg]sf] 7fpdf number of columns / number of row cfp5 ;f] kl/jt{g un{'  clg ok click ug{' .ta moniterdf b]lvG5 .
8s'd]g6 vf]n]/ sfd ul/ ;]e ug{]
^!=dh{ ;]n,b'O{ ;]n Ps} 7fpdf agfpg
8s'd]g6 vf]n]/ text 5fGg]
6]a'n ;fO{h eg]sf] 7fpdf number of columns / number of row cfp5 ;f] kl/jt{g un{'  clg ok click ug{' .ta moniterdf b]lvG5 .
o:tf] 6]a'ndf cfGtl/s ldnfpg xfO{nfO{6 ul/ merge cell lyRg] .ta b]lvG5 To; nfO{ ;]e ug]{ .

^@=l:Kn6 ;]n
8s'd]g6 vf]n]/ text 5fGg]
6]a'n ;fO{h eg]sf] 7fpdf number of columns / number of row cfp5 ;f] kl/jt{g un{'  clg ok click ug{' .ta moniterdf b]lvG5 .of] cell leq klg k'g k|of]u ug{ k|of]u x'G5 .
^#=6]a'n l8hfO{g
8s'd]g6 vf]n]/ text 5fGg]
^$=6]a'n nfO{ 6]S;df kl/at{g ug]{ tl/sf
8s'd]g6 vf]n]/ text 5fGg]
6]a'n ;fO{h eg]sf] 7fpdf table sf] auto format cfp5 ;f] kl/jt{g sample kl/jt{g ug{'  clg cfkm'nfO{ rflxPsf] 5flg ok ug{' .ta moniterdf b]lvG5 .
o:df tableauto format cfp5 .table text nfO{ convert table text g} text dialog box sf option df convert table to dialog box ug{ ;lsG5 .
^%= ;6{,qmd ldnfpg]
8s'd]g6 vf]n]/ text 5fGg]
sorting ug'{ kg]{ row,column nfO{ 5flg click ug]{ .;f] ascending jf decending order df 5flg ok ug]{ .
^^= qmd ldnfpg] tl/sf
sort by sf] 7fpdf column  name n]lv  type ul/ number,data,text 5flg  qmd ldnfpg] .

^&=ljG8f] d]g'
ljG8f] ;+u ;DalGwt ms wordsf sfo{x? ul/G5 .o; lea new window,arrange all,split cflb kb{5g .
 ^*=gof ljG8f]
Ps ljG8f] af6 csf]{ ljG8f] vf]Ng' kbf{ new window menu k|of]u x'G5 .
^(= ljG8f]x? ldnfpg]
Ps jf Ps eGbf al9 windows vf]ln ldnfpg' kg]{ ePdf arrange all o; ca:yfdf ;a} text Ps} 7fpdf ldnfpg k|of]u x'G5 .
&)= ljG8f] 6'qmfpg]
cfkm'n] agfPsf] window doc nfO{ k'g 6'qmfP/ sfd ug{ split window ul/g5 .k'g grflxPdf remove split command lylr x6fO{G5 .
dfO{qmf] ;Kfm6 PS;]n
of] ms- excl Ps applicatin xf]  .b}lgs x'g] x/ lx;fasf sfd ug{ of] pkof]lu dflgG5 .h:t} lrqdf b]vfO{Psf 5g\ .

&!= dfO{qmf] ;Kfm6 PS;]n
of] sdk'6/df x/lx;fa /fVg k|of]u x'g] @%^ j6f sf]nd / ^%%#^ /f] ePsf] rt'e'h cfsf/sf] work sheet df laleGg cell ldln ag]sf] x'G5 .
&@= PS;]n vf]Ng] tl/sf
sDk'6/ cg u/] kl5,:6f6{ a6g lyRbf program df uO{ x]bf{

&#= PS;]n ljG8f]
tnsf] lrqdf b]lvPsf] efux? PS;]n ljG8f]
df x'G5.

&$=js{ l;6
dflysf] lrqsf] ;]tf] nfO{gx? ePsf] efu hxf n]Vg ldN5 / n]v]/ ldnfO{G5 .
&%=6fO{6n jf/
k|uf]d ljN8f]sf] dflyNnf] efu h:df gfd ,kmG6 ;fO{h / cGo ldnfpg] 6'n;x? /xG5g .
o:df kmfon ,O{l86,lep,O{G;6{,kmd]{6,6'N;,6]a'n,ljG8f],x]Nk  cflb command /xG5g .
&&=6'n jf/
kmfonsf] gfd n]lv ;s] kl5Nnf] tNnf] ;6s6 lrGx ePsf] kmfon,l/ 8',;]e cflb command button /xG5g\ .
&*=km{d'nf jf/
s'g} klg name df ePsf] cell formula jf 8f6fdf b]vfp5 .&(=sf]nd /f] x]l8‹
o:df ;d];g,hDdfhlDd cflb /xG5g \ .;+Dk"0f{ sfd kl5 s'n of]ukmn,jf cGo lx;fjsf] nflu k|of]u x'G5 .

*)=:qmf]n jf/,el6{sn / xf]/fO{h]G6n
worksheet eGbf l7s dfly :s]n / sfof tkm{sf] :s]n b]lvG5 . o:n] :qmf]n jf/,el6{sn / xf]/fO{h]G6n js{l;6 nfO{ tn dfly ;fg{ k|of]u ul/G5 .
*!=l;6 6ofj
js{l;6 nfO{ 5flg tn dfly ;fg{ jf k'g gof agfpg k|of]u ul/G5 .
*@=clkm; Pl;:6]G6
js{l;6 nfO{ s'g} gof  k|of]u jf ul//x]sf] sfddf afwf ePdf k|Zg ;f]Wg- option,search_  ul/G5 .
*#=6'njf/sf] sfo{
js{l;6 nfO{ icon 4/f lg4]{l;t standard / formatting Ps;]ndf k|of]un] text nfO{ tn dfly ;fg{ k|of]u ul/G5 .

*$=:6f088{ 6'njf/ js{l;6nfO{ kmfonvf]Ng],aGbug]{,file,edit,view,insert,format,tools,table,window,help_tn dfly ;fg{ k|of]u ul/G5 .
*%=kmd]{l6‹ 6'njf/
js{l;6nfO{ font font size,bold,italic,under line,left align,center align,right align,merge to center,currancy,percentage,increase decimal,increase indent,boarder,fill color,text colortn dfly ;fg{ k|of]u ul/G5 .
*^= PS;]n lx;fj vf]Ng] tl/sf
v    js{ l;6 vf]Ng] .
v    k|To]s js{l;6df lx;fj rflxP hlt n]lv ;]e ug]{ .
v    kmd'{nf /fVg]-;]n nfO{ xfO{nfO{6 ul/ dfq kmd'{nfdf /fVg]_ .
v    /f],sf]nd ldnfpg] .
v    ;]e ug]{ .
*&= PS;]n l;6sf] k|of]u
lbO{Psf] x/lx;fjsf 8f6f /fVg ;fy} laleGg 8f6fj]; cg';f/ lg0f{o lng PS;]n l;6sf] k|of]u
x'G5 .
**=8f6f /]s{8 / Joj:yfkg ug]{
lbO{Psf] x/lx;fjsf 8f6f /fVg !,@,#,====/ A,B,C....... df cfkmgf] lzif{s format cg';f/ n]lv ;fy} laleGg 8f6fj]; cg';f/x? qm;/ jf 6\ofjn] ldnfO{ lg0f{o lng PS;]n l;6sf] eg{ k|of]u ul/G5 . ;f] nfO{ ldnfpg 8f6f d]df]l/df /flv row / column ldnfpg' k5{ .

*(=c+s ul0flto / nf]lhsn lx;fj ug]{
 c+s ul0ftdf lbO{Psf] x/lx;fjsf 8f6f /fVg ! +@ = # ;fy} laleGg 8f6fj]; cg';f/! / @ hf]8\g] eGg] lg0f{o lng PS;]n l;6sf] k|of]ux'G5 .tfls{s df + sf] sfd x'G5 .

 ()=c+s ul0flto
lbO{Psf] x/lx;fjsf 8f6f /fVg ;fy} laleGg 8f6fj]; cg';f/ cg';f/! / @ hf]8\g lg0f{o lng PS;]n l;6sf] k|of]u x'G5 .  = A1 + A2 eGg] a'lemG5 .
(!= tl/sf / cy{
lbO{Psf] x/lx;fjsf 8f6f /fVg ;fy} laleGg 8f6fj]; cg';f/ lg0f{o lng PS;]n l;6sf] k|of]u
x'G5 .
 (@=c+s ul0flto ;+s]t / sfo{
lbO{Psf] x/lx;fjsf 8f6f /fVg - -,+,/,*,>,<_;fy} laleGg 8f6fj]; cg';f/ lg0f{o lng PS;]n l;6sf] k|of]u
x'G5 .
 (#=;fdfGo laln‹sf] pbfx/0f
lbO{Psf] x/lx;fjsf 8f6f /fVg ;fy} laleGg 8f6fj]; cg';f/ lg0f{o lng PS;]n l;6sf] k|of]u
x'G5 .
 ($=lx;fjsf] qmd
lbO{Psf] x/lx;fjsf cfkmgf] cfa:ostf cg';f/ 8f6f /fVg ;fy} laleGg 8f6fj]; cg';f/ lg0f{o lng PS;]n l;6sf] k|of]u x'G5 .
 (%=nf]lhsn lx;fj cy{
o:df if,or,if and  lrGx lbO{ A cell / B cell df /flvG5 .
(^=nf]lhsn lx;fj IF
 if a= we,B= chin                                                  
=if (AND(A2hard disc,A2="floopy",B2= 40) ,"right",IF(AND'(A2="softcopy",A2="Hard copy"B2=10)"right" "wrong"))) 
(&=nf]lhsn lx;fj OR
if,or,if and 
=if (OR(A2= hard disc,A2=fLOOPY",40 ,IF(OR',(A2="soft copyloopy",A2="HARD COPY").20))
 (*=nf]lhsn lx;fj AND
=if (AND(A2= hard disc,A2=fLOOPY",B2= 40 ,"right",IF(AND',IF(A2="soft copyloopy",A2="SOFT COPY",B2=20) "RIGHT","WRONG"
((=nf]lhsn lx;fj n]Vbf ljrf/ k'/fpg] qmd
s= kmd"{nf n]Vbf o;l/ z'? ul/G5 .
 =if (AND(A2= hard disc,A2=f",B2= 40 ,"right",IF(AND',IF(AND=soft "copyloopy"
v= o:df if,and,or af6 z'? x'G5 .
u= d'Vo s'/f O{Ge6]{8 sdf leq n]lvG5 .
!))=dfs{l;6 agfpg] tl/sf
=IF(AND(C7>40,D7>40,E7>40,G7>75"DISTRICTION" IF(AND(C7>40,D7>40,E7>40,G7>60"FRIST" IF (AND(C7>40,D7>40,E7>40,G7>45 "SECOND" IF (AND(C7>40,D7>40,E7>40,G7>40 "THIRD","FAIL"

!)!=;'qwf/ k4lt
# DIV /0 ! ) n] efu u/] .
# ###        8f6f gc6fP   .
# N/A ! ) n] efu u/] .
# ###        8f6f gc6fP  
# DIV /0 ! laleGg laif];tf gldNbf zt{x? .
# Name?   zt{df ePsf] gldNbf] /]km/]G;df .
# Null !        gldNbf] c+s kmd'nf .
# Num       ;]n /]km/]g; gldNg' .  
# value     gldNbf] zt{ value .
!)@= PS;]n sfo{lalw
x/ lx;fa ;DalGw sfo{ ug{ k|of]u x'G5 .
!)#=s]lx PS;]n sfo{lalw / sfo{
!= char c+s sf]8nfO{ kl/jt{g ub{5 . o:tf c+s sf]8x? ! b]lv @%% ;DDf x'G5g .h:t} a=CHAR (97)
@= code - sf]8_ nfO{ ASCII sf]8 g+ df kl/jt{g ub{5 .h:t} =code("alphabet")
#= cos sf]8nfO{ kl/jt{g ub{5 h:t} cos(1). /fv] 0.540302 cfp5 .
$= days sf]8nfO{ kl/jt{g ub{5 h:t} days 360(start_date,end_date). /fv] # lbg cfp5 .
%= power sf]8nfO{ kl/jt{g ub{5 h:t} power(number,power). /fv] 2,9 cflb cfp5 .
^=Foman sf]8nfO{ kl/jt{g ub{5 h:t} roman(number,from). /fv] x cfp5 .
&= AX sf]8nfO{ kl/jt{g ub{5 h:t lni6 jf6 cos(starting cell range,end cell range) /fv a1 b]lva10  cfp5 .
*= Min sf]8nfO{ kl/jt{g ub{5 h:t} min(starting cell range,end cell range) /fv a1 b]lva10  cfp5 .
(=SORT c+ssf] ju{dfg b]vfp5 . sqt(number)
!)$=k]:6 sfo{
8f6fnfO{ xfO{nfO{6 ul/ ctrl / ctrl v cfp5 .
!)%=d]g'jf/ cjwf/f0f
kmfon:- o;df cfwf/e't sdf08 cf]kg,Snf]h,;]e,lk|G6 cflb 5g\ .
Ol86:- o;df cfwf/e't sdf08 cg 8' ,l/ 8' ,s6 cflb 5g\ .
Eo":- o;df cfwf/e't sdf08 gd{n,k]h a|]s lk| Eo",,:6f08{ 6'njf/,kmd]{l6‹ 6'njf/,h'd cflb 5g\ .
km/d]6:- o;df cfwf/e't sdf08 gd{n :6fon, af]8{;,kmG6,kmG6;fO{h cflb 5g\ .
6'N; :- o;df cfwf/e't sdf08 l:klnË / u|fd/ r]s,uf]n l;s cflb 5g\ .
8f6f:- o;df cfwf/e't sdf08 ;6{,lkmN6/,6]an cflb 5g\ .
ljg8f] :- o;df cfwf/e't sdf08 P/]Gh,l:kN6 cflb 5g\ .
x]Nk:- o;df cfwf/e't sdf08 cfa:ostf cg';f/ rflxPsf] /flvPsf] 5g\ .
!)^= d]g'jf/ k|of]u,kmfon d]g',Ol86,lep,O{G;6{,kmd{6,6'N;,8f6f,ljG8f],x]Nk d]g'
!)&= rf6{ agfpg] tl/sf
s = :6fG88{ d]g' lslns ul/ :6fG88{ 6'n; jf/ df uO{ rf6{ ljhf8{ lyRg] . 5fg]/ rflxPsf] rf6{ /fVg] .

!)*= kfj/ KjfOG6sf] kl/ro
o:df lk|h]g6];g / Plgd];gsf] sfd x'G5 .
kfj/ KjfOG6
!)(= kfj/ KjfOG6 ljG8f]
 lk|h]g6];g / Plgd];gsf] sfd dfly atfP h:t} x'G5 . t/ o:sf] n] cfp6 km/s 5 .
o; leq x'g] 6'n qf/x? d]g' af/,:6f08{ 6'n af/,6fO{tn af/,kmd{l6Ë 6'n af/,lk|hg6];g 6fO{6n,?n/,:nfO{8,6]S; aS; !,lep a6g,L6f6; af/,8\O{ª 6'n af/,6]S; aS; @ /xG5g .
!!)= Plgd]zg Okm]S6 6'naf/
Plgd];g sf nflu Plgd]6 6fO{6n,8\fOe Og,kmnfO{ª Okm]S6 ,Sofd/f Okm]S6,kmnf; cg,n];/ 6]s; O{km]S6,6fOk/fO6/ Okm]S6,8\k Og 6]S; cfp6, Plgd];g 6]S; c8/, s:6d/ Plgd];g,Plgd];g lk|Eo" cflb 5g .
!!!= kmDofl6{ª 6'njf/
kmG6, kmG6 ;fOh,af]N8,O6flns,cG8/ nfOg,;]8f],n]km6 PnfOg,;]g6/ PnfOg,/fO6 PnfOg,gDal/ª,a'n]6,OGqmLh kmG6 ;fOh,l8lqmh kmG6 ;fOh,Plgd];g Okm]S6 / gd{n 6]S; /xG5g .
!!@= :6ofG88{ 6'njf/
o:df Go",cf]kg,;]e,Od]n,lk|G6,u|fd/ / :k]lnª ,s6,k]:6,k]:6,kmd{6 k]G6/,cg 8',l/ 8',OG;6{ xfOk/ lnÍ,6]a'n P08 af]8{;, OG;6{ 6]an, OG;6{ rf6{,,Go" ;nfO8,Go" ;nfO8,PS;kfG8 cn,;f] kmd{l6Ë,u|] :s]n lk|Eo",h'd,x]Nk cflb kb{5g .
!!#= gofF :nfO8 vf]Ng] tl/sf
s= kfj/ KjfOG6 lyRg] .
v= kfj/ KjfOG6 ljhg8{ cfp5 . To; leq auto content wizard,design template,blank presentation / open an existing presentation cfp5 .
u= auto content wizard n] vfln :nfO8 lgsfN5 .design template k"j{ l8hfOg Ps :nfO8 lgsfN5 .blank presentation n] klxNo} l8hfOg ul/Psf] e]/} marketing,sales,product,memo,meeting ;a} lgsfN5 ./ open an existing presentation n] e} /fv]sf] saved :nfO8 lgsfN5 . cfkm"nfO rflxg] lylr cf]kg lslns ug]{ .
3= cf] s] ul/ sfd ug]{ / ;]e ug]{ .
!!$= vfnL :nfO8 l8hfOg ug]{ tl/sf
cfkm'n] sfd ug]{ ;fO8df cfpg] 6]S; aS; af6 agfOPsf] ;fdflu| ldnfpg] .
!!%= :nfO8 ljifoj:t'nfO Plgd]zg ug]{ tl/sf
s= kfj/ KjfOG6 lyRg] .
v= kfj/ KjfOG6 ljhg8{ cfp5 .
u=s:6d Plgd];g cfp5 ,6]S; nfO 6]S; ans 6fO6n af6,Plgd];g c8{/ nfO df]e a6gsf] changing the position jf6,:6f6{ Plgd];g nfO ;nfO8 Okm]S6 af6 ldnfpg] .
3= afls time and order,effect ;a} ldnfpg] .
8==sound,after animation,text introduce cflb 5g\ .
r= cf] s] ug]{ .
!!^= 6fOd P08 c8/ -sd_ ldnfpg]
dfp; lslns kl5 cfp5 ;f] sfdsf nflu sound,after animation,text introduce cflb kb{5g\ .
!!&= O{km]S6
s:6d Plgd];g leq s;l/ zAb / lrq 5flgG5 ,;f] preview button,slide show s] s;l/ x'G5 x]g{ ;lsG5 .
!!*= lgl/If0f
laG8f]df /x]/ x'g] km]/ abn ,;f] preview button,slide show s] s;l/ x'G5 x]g{ ;lsG5 .
!!(= k|:t't ug]{ tl/sf
,;f] slide showd]g'nfO s] s;l/ l:qmgdf k|:t't x'G5 x]g{ ;lsG5 .
!@)= k|f]h]S6 lk|h]G6]zg b]vfpg]
e}/x]sf] presentation sf sample x?df anamination effect /fVg ;fy} l8hfOg 5flg projection ug{ k|of]u x'G5 .
!@!= :nfO8 Joj:yfkg ug]{ tl/sf
of] slide transition ubf{ slide show,slide trasition ubf{ ljhf8{ x]l/ PKnfO cn,PKnfO,SofG;Ln cfp5 .ldnfP/ cf] s] ug]{ .
!@@= vf]Ng] tl/sf
of] k]h l8hfOg / k|f]u|fd df dxTj /fVg] sfo{ xf] .
!@#= k]hd]s/ ljG8f]sf efux? / lTfgsf sfo{
laG8f] ljhf8{df b]lvg] efux?
s=d]g' af/
Ol86:- o;df cfwf/e't sdf08 cg 8' ,l/ 8' ,s6 cflb 5g\ .
6fOk:- o;df cfwf/e't sdf08    cflb 5g\ .
n] cfp6:- o;df cfwf/e't sdf08     cflb 5g\ .
Olnd]G6 :- o;df cfwf/e't sdf08      cflb 5g\ .
o"l6ln6L:- o;df cfwf/e't sdf08      cflb 5g\ .
ljg8f] :- o;df cfwf/e't sdf08 P/]Gh,l:kN6 cflb 5g\ .
x]Nk:- o;df cfwf/e't sdf08 cfa:ostf cg';f/ rflxPsf] /flvPsf] 5g\ .
v= lh/f] P8h:6:-
u=el6{sn ?n/:-
3=xf]l/h]G6n ?n/:-
8==df:6/ Kofn]6:-
r=sG6\f]n Kofn]6:-
5=b jlsª k]h:-
h=k]h dflh{g:-
em=k]h af]8{ el6{sn :qmf]n af/:-
v= KjfOG6/:- 6]S; 5fGg,;fg{,;fOh kl/jt{g ug{ k|of]u x'G5 .
u=6]S; :- 6]S; 5fGg,;fg{,;fOh kl/jt{g ug{ k|of]u x'G5 .
3=/f]6]6 ?n/:-6]S; 5fGg,;fg{,;fOh kl/jt{g ug{ k|of]u x'G5 .
8==qmk:- 6]S; 5fGg,;fg{,;fOh kl/jt{g ug{ k|of]u x'G5 .
r=nfOg :- 6]S; 5fGg,;fg{,;fOh kl/jt{g ug{ k|of]u x'G5 .
5=sG;6]8 nfOg:- 6]S; 5fGg,;fg{,;fOh kl/jt{g ug{ k|of]u x'G5 .
h=/]6PGun:- 6]S; 5fGg,;fg{,;fOh kl/jt{g ug{ k|of]u x'G5 .
em=/]6PGun km|]d:- 6]S; 5fGg,;fg{,;fOh kl/jt{g ug{ k|of]u x'G5 .
`=;s{n:- 6]S; 5fGg,;fg{,;fOh kl/jt{g ug{ k|of]u x'G5 .
6=;s'{n/ km|]d:- 6]S; 5fGg,;fg{,;fOh kl/jt{g ug{ k|of]u x'G5 .
7=kf]lnug:- 6]S; 5fGg,;fg{,;fOh kl/jt{g ug{ k|of]u x'G5 .
8=kf]lnlhlgs km|]d:- 6]S; 5fGg,;fg{,;fOh kl/jt{g ug{ k|of]u x'G5 .
9= XofG8 6'Nf:- 6]S; 5fGg,;fg{,;fOh kl/jt{g ug{ k|of]u x'G5 .
0f= DofUlgkmfo/:-6]S; 5fGg,;fg{,;fOh kl/jt{g ug{ k|of]u x'G5 .
!@$= cAh]S6 5fGbf b]lvg] sG6«f]n 6'njf/
!@%= 6]S; 5fGbf b]lvg] sG6«f]n 6'njf/
!@^= Kof/fu|fkm sG6«f]n 6'njf/
!@&= d]g'jf/sf] k|of]u,kmfon d]g',Ol86,lep,n]cfp6,6fO{k,Olnd]G6,o'l6lnl6h,ljG8f] .
!@*=;ls{6 ls
!@(=j8{df k|of]u x'g] ;ls{6 ls
!#)= cfj:os ;6{s6 ls agfpg] tl/sf
!#!= PS;]ndf k|of]u x'g] ;ls{6 ls
!#@=k]hd]s/df k|of]u x'g] ;ls{6 ls
!##= cIf/ n]Vbf ldnfpg] s'/fx?
!#$= cIf/sf k|sf/ / gd'gf
!#%= laleGg cIf/ gd'gf

 To open window.
1.                  Click my document
2.                  Double click          
3.                  Open he file      
4.                  Choose the file name
5.                  Work  (whatever you want)
6.                  Save it.
7.                  Simran is a girl.

How to write window?
1.                  Take      mouse e    my   document
2.                  Double click    open my   document   
3.                  take    mouse      simran    file       
4.                   click    and window.   
What   is    task     bar?

1.                  The           line        that         in           last              of             computer             is       called              task           bark       
How to   save? Document?
1.                  Take care, mouse   to file       
2.                  click      file     again        
3.                  go  mouse        with         save 
4.                  click         again   your document  will  save.
How to arrange document?

How  to  work text  in  word art  gallery        
1.                  Take  mouse   .
2.              click       there     word art      galley              will        come .
3.               choose  the color    click        there   click      in     ok           you   will Mto   change

Computer Maintenance Tips
To prolong equipment life and avoid some typical hardware and software problems,
please utilize the following suggestions:
Hardware Maintenance
Keep your computer and diskettes away from any magnetized objects. Phones,
copiers, stereo equipment or devices with motors generate a magnetic field that
may damage your data.
Keep your system away from heating and air conditioning vents, radiators, and
open windows. This will prevent temperature fluctuations in your system
hardware and reduce airborne particles like dust and smoke from entering your
Never unplug a component while your system is running. Exit all programs and
shut down your computer when plugging or unplugging computer devices and
peripherals. Ignoring this advice can easily result in a short, therefore damaging
either your computer or the device you are adding or removing.  The only
exception to this general rule is a USB component (like a digital camera) that is
designed to be plugged in and out while the machine is running.
Buy a Surge Protector. Surge Protectors are special power strips that absorb any
power surges that may seriously damage memory chips and other components.
You may want to shut your computer down during severe thunderstorms.
Use antivirus software to detect viruses that can cause substantial damage to files
in your computer. Be careful what you receive in Email and download off the
Internet. The Internet has increasingly become a popular means of transporting
viruses to personal computers.  Fordham’s Email system in (Lotus Notes) is the
only Email package you should trust to eliminate Email viruses before they come
to your computer.
Use anti-static mats under your computer. This will decrease the amount of static
electricity in the vicinity of your computer. Static electricity is one of the primary
causes of data loss.
Tips for Windows XP Users
Compatibility Mode
If you're having trouble running older programs originally developed for previous
versions of Windows, you're not out of luck. Luckily for consumers, Microsoft built
Compatibility Mode into XP. Compatibility Mode allows you to run a program using the
shell of the original program it was developed for.
Here's how to access a program's Compatibility Mode in XP:
Find the executable or program shortcut icon you'd like to run.

Right-click the icon and select Properties.
Click the Compatibility tab and place a checkmark next to the text labeled "Run
this program in compatibility mode."
Select the operating system that the program was originally intended to run on.
You may need to fine-tune the three fields under "Display Settings" if an older
program requires 640x480 resolution or 256 colors.
Click Apply.
Try starting the program after making these changes. If it still gives you trouble, try a
different operating system. If the program was written for Win95 and worked fine in
Win98, there's nothing that says it still won't work fine with Win98.
Device Driver Rollback
One of XP's new features is the Device Driver Rollback. With this feature you finally
have the option to quickly go back to a previous version of a device driver if the updated
driver causes problems. When you update a driver, the old one will be saved to a special
directory in Windows.
You won't have the option to roll back a driver if you've never updated it. Since every
device has the ability to roll back its driver, you're going to need to access your Device
Manager to do this.
Here's how to access the Driver Rollback feature for a particular device inside the Device
Left-click the Start menu and then select Control Panel.
Double-click the Performance and Maintenance icon.
Double-click the System icon.
Click the Hardware tab.
Click the Device Manager button to open the Device Manager.
Expand the device menu you'd like to roll back.
Locate the device you'd like to roll back and double-click it to bring up its
When you launch the properties for a particular device, click on the Driver tab.
Click the button labeled "Roll Back Driver" to complete the process.
Windows or MAC Automatic Updates
This is not a trivial feature in Windows or Mac OS X.  You should keep the automatic
updates on and install them ASAP for both security and compatibility with all the latest
software.   You fail to do this at the risk of programs not running and opening up your
computer to malicious invasion.  Besides these automatic updates, you should also visit
the Windows update site and check for other non-critical updates as well. It allows
Windows XP to update itself via the internet and keep your system up to date with the
latest drivers and software for your system.
Windows System Backup Procedure

Windows XP makes it easy for you to take a snapshot of critical system files before you
make any major changes, such as installing new software, adding hardware devices, or
changing the registry. (Windows XP automatically creates system restore points, called
system checkpoints, but you can create your own to make it even easier to recover your
system in case of a failure.) Note that using restore points doesn’t affect your personal
files, such as the My Documents or Favorites folders. To create restore points:
Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools,
and then click System Restore.
In the System Restore dialog box, click Create a restore point, and then click
Type a description for your restore point, such as "Before Office XP", then click
If your system fails, press F8 in the boot menu, and then click Last known good
configuration. Windows XP restores your system to the most recent restore point.
Easy CD Burning Procedures
If you’re running Windows XP, then you don't have to go out and buy expensive CD–
recording software. The new operating system from Microsoft features built–in CD
burning. When you want to burn a CD using Windows XP:
Insert a blank CD–R or CD–RW in your CD drive. You must have a CD–R
(writable) or CD–RW (rewritable) drive. A dialog box opens, asking if you want
to open a writable CD folder. Click OK.
On the Start menu, click My Computer, and navigate to the drive and folder
where the files you wish to copy are stored.
Select the files you wish to copy, and drag/drop or copy/paste them to the open
CD recording folder.
In the left pane of the CD folder window, click Write these files to CD.
Now you’re all set. Just remember not to copy more files to the CD than it will
hold: a standard CD holds 650 MB.
Windows XP Error Reports
You can get rid of the Windows XP error report messages if you don't want to send
another one in. Start the System Configuration Utility:
Click Start, and then click Run.
Type msconfig to open the System Configuration Utility.
Click the Services tab.
Clear the Error Reporting Service check box, and then click OK.
Hit Restart to reboot your system.
Your computer will now start without loading the error reporting service.
Windows Backup

The Backup utility is not included in the default installation of Windows XP Home
Edition. The Backup icon is not present on the Start menu in Windows XP Home Edition,
nor is Backup listed in Add/Remove Programs for Windows XP Home Edition. The
backup program is found on the Windows XP Home Edition CD in the Valueadd folder.
To manually install Backup
Double-click the Ntbackup.msi file in the following location on the Windows XP
Home Edition CD to start a wizard that installs Backup:
When the wizard is complete, click Finish.
Locking Internet Explorer Toolbars
You can choose which features you want on the Internet Explorer 6 toolbar. If you want
to simplify the toolbar, you can remove icons, change to smaller icons, or remove the text
labels displayed next to the icons. To customize the toolbar:
Right–click the Standard toolbar, and then click Customize.
In the Text options list, click No text labels to remove them.
In the Icon options list, click Small icons to change the default setting.
In the Current toolbars list, click any icon that you want to remove, and then click
To keep your changes safe, right–click the toolbar again, and make sure to select
the Lock Toolbars check box.
XP Repair Installation
How Do I Do a "Repair Installation"?
Configure your computer to start from the CD-ROM drive. For more information about
how to do this, please refer to your computer's documentation or contact your computer
Insert your Windows XP compact disc (CD) into your CD-ROM drive or DVD-ROM
drive, and then restart your computer.
(You can also boot with a Windows 98/Me Startup disk with CD support and run
WINNT.EXE in the I386 folder on the CD)
When the "Press any key to boot from CD" message is displayed on your screen, press a
key to start your computer from the Windows XP CD.
When you see the following message displayed on the Welcome to Setup screen, press
To setup Windows XP now, press ENTER.
At this point an option to press R to enter the Recovery Console is displayed. Do not
select this option.
On the Windows XP Licensing Agreement screen, press F8 to agree to the license
Make sure that your current installation of Windows XP is selected in the box, and then
press the R key to repair Windows XP.
Follow the instructions on the screen to complete Setup.

How to Repair Internet Explorer
The ability to Repair Internet Explorer does not exist in the version that ships with
Windows XP.  This feature only becomes available after you upgrade to a newer version.
This is normal and has been this way since Windows 98 and IE4.
However, you can reinstall IE in Windows XP by clicking Start, Run and entering the
following command:
rundll32.exe setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 %windir%\Inf\ie.inf
You will need to have your XP CD available.
Some people have problems with the command line above.  A small VB Script that will
execute the command for you can be downloaded here.  Save the file to your hard drive
and double click it to run IE Setup.
Tips for Windows 98,  2000 and XP Users
Defragment your hard disk drive for peak performance:
Files and applications are stored on your hard drive in units. These units may be scattered
on different locations on the hard drive causing your computer to work harder to retrieve
them. Running Disk Defragmenter puts all of these files and applications into contiguous
groups allowing the computer to access them more quickly. Follow the procedures below
to run the Disk Defragmenter.
Click Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and
then click Disk Defragmenter.
Click the Settings tab, select the check boxes you want (to ensure fastest startup
of programs, select the first box,) and then click OK. (There is no Settings tab in
Windows 95.)
Click the drive you want to defragment, click OK, and then click Yes
Clean up your hard disk drive with ScanDisk:
Through normal use of your computer, files on the hard drive may become damaged,
cross-linked or become dissociated with their file names. Running ScanDisk on a weekly
basis can correct much of this corruption. To run ScanDisk, use the following
Click the Start button.
Point to Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and then click
Click the drive you want to scan, and choose either the Standard Test (Checks
files and folders) or Thorough Test (performs standard test and scans disk
surface for errors).
Click Start.
Note that Windows XP and 2000 will inform you that you cannot run scandisk till
next time you start Windows.   This is normal and you should say “YES” to the
question asking you if you want to go ahead with this.          
Create a startup or "boot" disk for your computer:
A "boot" disk performs two key functions: First, it will boot up your computer when
your computer is not capable of doing so by itself. Second, it allows you to run diagnostic

programs to see what is causing the problem. To create a boot disk, follow the procedures
Note: You will need a blank, 1.44MB floppy disk. Any information on the disk will be
erased during this procedure.
Insert a blank floppy disk.
Click Start.
Point to Settings and click Control Panel.
Click Add/Remove Programs.
Click the Startup Disk tab.
Click the Create Disk button.
When finished, click OK to exit the Add/Remove Programs Properties dialog box.
Uninstall programs that are hardly or never used.
Uninstalling unnecessary software speeds the time it takes to boot your machine and shut
it down. It also keeps your computer running faster because certain programs use
memory while you are not using them.
Tips for Macintosh Users:
For OS 9 and lower:
Disk maintenance: You can launch Disk First Aid, which can be found in the Utilities
folder on your hard drive, to perform checks on your hard drive and other forms of media
(floppies, Zip disks, etc.). If you suspect your hard drive has a problem, you will need to
boot the computer from the original installation CD that came with it and launch the copy
of Disk First Aid that is located in the Utilities folder of that disk.  The computer should
boot automatically from the installation CD if it is restarted with the disk in the drive,
however, to force the computer to boot from the CD, simply hold down the C key on the
keyboard until the Mac OS splash screen appears.  This screen will look like the regular
splash screen except there should be a repeated image of a CD in the background to let
you know that you have started from the CD.  Once the computer has booted from the
CD follow these steps:
Locate the Installation CD on the Desktop.
Double click on the Installation CD, opening its window.
Find the Utilities folder on the Installation CD.  If it is not in the main window of
the CD, then look for it within the Extras folder or possibly within the System
folder.  The location will vary depending upon the version of the installation disk.
Once you find the Utilities folder, locate the Disk First Aid icon and launch the
program by double-clicking on it.
Once the program has launched, choose the disk that you wish to examine from
the list on the left (if the disk doesn’t appear, try refreshing the list by selecting
“rescan for disks” from the drop down menus) and then select either the Verify or
Repair button.  Verify simply checks the disk to make sure everything is OK.
Repair both checks the disks and fixes any errors that it finds.
As the computer scans, a small list of what it is doing will appear in the bottom
window of Disk First Aid.  When the computer finishes scanning the disk, it will

either say “no problems were found,” “problems were found and have been
repaired,” or “Disk First Aid was unable to repair the disk.”
Should Disk First Aid be unable to repair the disk, you can either invest in a
commercial program such as Norton Disk Doctor to attempt to repair the disk, or
backup the data on the disk (if possible), and either erase the disk completely, or
if it is your harddrive,  erase the disk and perform a clean reinstallation of the
System Software.
Should a program freeze: Should a program freeze or become unresponsive, hold down
the Apple/Command key + the Option Key + the Escape key simultaneously.  A dialogue
box should appear asking if you are sure you wish to Force the program to Quit.
Sometimes you can select “Cancel” and this dialogue box will have been enough to
unfreeze the program.  If this doesn’t work, select “Force Quit” and wait for the program
to close.  Restart the computer.  If attempting to Force Quit the program fails, you will
have to force the computer to restart, either by locating the reset button on your computer
or by holding down the power button for 10 seconds until the computer powers down.
Restart the computer.
Should the computer freeze at Start Up:  Should your Macintosh freeze at Start Up,
you most likely have an extension conflict.  In order to remedy this situation hold down
the Shift key at start up.  This will disable all your extensions.  Once the computer starts,
navigate to the Control Panels folder within your System folder and launch the Extension
Manager.  This control panel allows you to enable or disable different extensions to try to
resolve extension conflicts.  It is best to create a new Extension set within Extension
Manager before installing new software, so that if there are any errors after installation,
you can simply restart with the Shift key held down and choose this Extension set to undo
the harm caused by the program.
For more info on troubleshooting Apple computers: Apple maintains a rather
thorough list of online support information at their website:
Another good place to find information on troubleshooting your Macintosh is MacFixIt:
For OS X:
Disk maintenance: You can launch Disk Utility, which can be found in the Utilities
folder in the Applications folder on your hard drive, to perform checks on your hard drive
and other forms of media (floppies, Zip disks, etc.). If you suspect your hard drive has a
problem, you will need to boot the computer from the original installation CD that came
with it and launch the copy of Disk Utility that is located in the Utilities folder of that
disk.  The computer should boot automatically from the installation CD if it is restarted
with the disk in the drive, however, to force the computer to boot from the CD, simply
hold down the C key on the keyboard until the Mac OS splash screen appears.  Once you
locate the Disk Utility icon, simply double-click on it and it will launch:

Notice to the left a list of mounted drives appears: in this picture, a hard drive and an
iPod mounted as a hard drive.  To the right there are a selection of 5 different tabs to
choose from.  The Information tab gives you basic information about the drive you have
selected to the left (such as size, format, and both used and available space on the drive).
The Erase tab is used for erasing or reformatting drives, whether they be floppies, hard
drives, or CD-RW disks.  The Partition tab allows you to reformat a drive into separate
partitions, so that one drive can function as multiple separate drives.  The RAID tab
allows you to connect several hard drives together, so that they act as one large very fast
hard drive.  For our purposes, above you will notice that the First Aid tab is selected.
Here, you can either Verify or Repair Disk Permissions, if you’ve been having trouble
deleting files or getting error messages saying that “You do not have adequate
permission.”  This is a useful function to perform should your system begin behaving
erratically.  If you have booted from some other drive besides your normal System drive,
or if you select another drive besides the System drive, you will also have the option to
Verify or Repair the disk.  A description of the progress for any of these scans will appear
in the blank white window above the buttons, complete with an announcement at the end
of whether the repair was successful or if the disk was found to not be in need of repair.
Should Disk Utility be unable to repair the disk, it will say so.  Then you should consider
either investing in a commercial program such as Norton Disk Doctor or DiskWarrior to
attempt to repair the disk.  Should all else fail, navigate to the Erase tab of Disk Utility
(after backing up the contents of the disk, of course) and reformat the drive by selecting it
in the menu to the left and choosing Erase.

Should a program freeze: Due to improved memory handling in OS X, a frozen
program should not affect the rest of your computer’s stability.  If a program freezes or
fails to respond simply hold down on the Command+Option+Escape keys
simultaneously, and the following window will appear:
Simple select the program that is not responding (normally, a program that is not
responding will appear in red in the list) and click the Force Quit button to force it to quit.
Usually, you can immediately re-launch the program that had frozen and continue
working without any further difficulties.  Simply close the Force Quit Applications
window by clicking the small button in the upper left corner of the window.
For more info on troubleshooting Apple computers: Apple maintains a rather
thorough list of online support information at their website:
Another good place to find information on troubleshooting your Macintosh is MacFixIt:
Cookies are files that some websites place on your computer to store simple data such as
passwords or preferences. Many times these files are their for your convenience,
however, there are times when people can use them to take important information from
your hard drive.
For more ordinary hardware and software maintenance tips and updates to these, see our
web site at:


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